The Tragic Mulatto

When you have one white parent and one non-white parent, the mulatto kids often side with their non-white half. Witness Barack Obama who had a white mom and a black dad and he chose to grow up and identify as black.

Mumbai terror planner David Headley had a white mom and a Paki dad. He grew up siding with his Pakistani terrorist self.

Jared Taylor, who is white, writes: “At least in the United States, many half-white children identify more strongly with their non-white half. I don’t want half-Kenyan children who listen to rap music and identify with Africa, thank you very much. Nor do I want half-Japanese children who feel compelled to study tea ceremony.”

I’ve been dying to include “The Tragic Mulatto” phrase in my writing and now I have. I’m 1/16th Chinese. I understand these things.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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