Israel Is No Ethno-State

Anonymous writes: “You goys keep perpetuating the fallacy that Israel is an ethno-state, where did you get such a misguided notion? While I sure would like to see what an Ashkenazi super state would look like, Israel is no such place. Israel has a population of 8 million; 3 million Askenazis, 3 million Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews and 2 million Arab Sunnis, Druze and Christians. The Sephardis and Mizrahis are Jews that remained in the vicinity of the Middle East after the Roman expulsions, consequently, they are basically Arabs with yarmulkes, their average IQ is about 90, their academic and economic performance in Israel bears this out. Israel cannot be described as an ethno-state, but perhaps theo-state, as immigrants are screened by religious affiliation. Israel idiotically flies in hundreds of thousands of brain-dead Yemeni and Ethiopian Jews, permanently ensconces them into its welfare system and is both decried and idealized as an as a racially pure whitopia by the stupid goyim. If it was not for the excellent birth-rates of the Ashkenazi Haredim, Israel would be in the same dysgenic death-spiral as the rest of the West.”

Aaron Gross writes: “Regarding what you can do: In Israel, the government was indifferent for years to mass immigration (“infiltration”) from Sudan and Eritrea. It took violent protests, nearly riots, to get the government to do anything. Even now, parts of south Tel Aviv look like Africa. So the Israeli approach is to take to the streets and demonstrate loudly and violently until the government takes action. In Israel, that’s the only thing that finally worked.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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