About 20 years ago, a mate of mine introduced me to his Japanese wife and he pointed out that the Japanese “have no bum.” I’ve finally learned why in this Phil Rushton book:
Mongoloid and Negroid populations were at opposite extremes with Caucasoids intermediate. This pattern occurred consistently over traits such as:
1. Intercourse frequencies (premarital, marital, extramarital).
2. Developmental precocity (age of first intercourse, age at first pregnancy, number of pregnancies).
3. Primary sexual characteristics (size of penis, vagina, testes, ovaries).
4. Secondary sexual characteristics (salient voice, muscularity, buttocks, breasts).
5. Biological control of behavior (length of menstrual cycle, periodicity of sexual response, predictability of life history from onset of puberty).
6. Sex hormones (testosterone, gonadotropins, follicle stimulating hormone).
7. Attitudes (permissiveness to premarital sex, expectation of extramarital sex)…
In the most K-selected populations there would not only be
increased brain size and intelligence, but also a reduction in personal and sexual competitiveness including the size of breasts, buttocks, and male genitalia. Decreased emphasis on personal and sexual competitiveness and more emphasis on parenting and personal restraint would allow greater complexity of social organization and increment the number of children successfully raised to reproductive maturity.