Saudis On Studio Board


A new movie company called the Film Department has just been born. Its CEO is Mark Gill, for mer Miramax and Warner Independent exec who masterminded "March of the Penguins." Two of its board members are Sheik Waleed Al Ibrahim and Zeid Masri.

The Saudi Arabian sheik runs stations that are mouthpieces for the Saudis. Like for instance, Al Arabiya news network, which is not known to be pro-U.S.

Zeid Masri runs the McLean, Va., operation SilverHaze, which has in the past secretly invested Palestine Liberation Organization money through front companies. His SilverHaze caused the Bowlmor scandal this newspaper broke in 2004.

Despite everything I did to him, Dave Deutsch is still my friend, he stills talks me up to his Vietnamese girls, and he blogs at Heeb:

In the spirit of Sammy Davis, Jr., we at Jewdar are inclined to turn a blind eye to politics. But when Jewish control of Hollywood is threatened, we will not be silent. Granted, there are those who argue that Jews never ran Hollywood, or that the gays have taken over. Thus, were we decidedly nonplussed when we found out that Mark Gill, Hollywood MOTshot was selling baby Moses down the river, or some such mixed metaphor.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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