My Business Plan

I learned in a recent bootcamp for entrepreneurs that if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.

Working in conjunction with a personal coach, I came up with and have started to implement the following business plan to get more clients.

Come three o’clock most arvos, I put my massage table in the back of my van and head off to various high schools. I set up just off campus, leaf through the latest issue of The New Republic, and promise the kiddies that my work is banned in 17 states because their parents don’t want ’em to have fun.

After making them promise to not tell anyone, and in the course of the free mini-lessons on shady streets — hook ’em while their young and have customers for life, I figure — I use concrete examples to teach right from wrong. As in, this is wrong while this is right, so try to desist from wrong and embrace the right. Then, in my most avuncular tone, I encourage the littleuns to stay off the crack and to stay in yeshiva.

Afterward, I take the cute ones for icecream.

Here’s a photo of one happy student. I’ve changed his name so his parents don’t find out.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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