Hugh Hewitt Addresses Wednesday Morning Club About 2008 Elections

BEVERLY HILLS: Radio talkshow host and author Hugh Hewitt told 120 people at the Four Seasons Hotel that a Mitt Romney – Rudy Giuliani would be a strong Republican ticket and he didn’t care much which person would be nominated for president.

Click here to listen.

Click here for more information about the Wednesday Morning Club.

By a show of hands, 60% of the crowd supported Giuliani for president and 30% supported Romney. John McCain had no support. Hewitt said McCain had no support among Republicans generally.

Hugh said that Giuliani and Romney were both "coiled energy."

Hugh praised Tony Blair’s June 12 speech on the media.

"The more people know about Romney, the more they resent attacks on his [Mormon] faith."

Nobody in the crowd has a poor impression of Fred Thompson.

"It’s about being ‘Not Bush’ in 2008."

The race for the Republican presidential nomination will be over by Feb. 2, Hewitt predicted.

"Newt Gingrich has a written and verbal record that precludes a serious run for president of the United States."

"We’ve reached [in 2004] the highwater mark for Republicans. I don’t know where we’ll find more Republicans."

At the lunch, I sat next to Los Angeles Daily News columnist Bridget Johnson.

Hewitt’s latest book is A Mormon in the White House?: 10 Things Every American Should Know about Mitt Romney.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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