Big-Spending Republicans

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: What answer do conservatives get when they say the government spends too much? That Republicans spent too much too.

As if there is any conservative who’s going to differ with you. Why do you think there was a Tea Party? Because of disgust with Republicans. The Delaware Republicans decided it was better to forego a foregone seat in the Senate and elect a Tea Party person (Christine O’Donnell).

Many states (including California, Illinois, New York) are headed towards bankruptcy. How did we get here? Spending, in particular giving massive money they did not have to state employees.

About a quarter of the Muslim world support Al Qaeda. That’s about 300 million people. That’s who will publicly proclaim they are pro-Al Qaeda.

The news media says that this poll shows that most Muslims embrace a role for Islam in politics. No, most want Sharia to govern countries.

Dennis said that he inherited two tortoises when he married Sue (his third marriage). “One day, we saw that one of the tortoises was very lethargic. He had something hanging out from the back of him. My wife tried to nurse him and to medicate him. He was going to die. It turns out, his penis stuck out and wasn’t going back. It would’ve gangrened and he would’ve died. There was a veterinarian in Santa Monica who knew how to treat a gangrenous tortoise penis but it was a lot of money.”


Monday, December 06, 2010 Radio Show
H1: Solutionism
Prager H1: Dennis interviewed the Vice Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Ya’alon,on Sunday. In response to a question Dennis asked about why the Left doesn’t support Israel, the minister used a new term that Dennis loved “solutionism.” If there’s a problem, there has to be a solution, even if the solution is absurd and unworkable… A new Pew poll suggests most Muslims favor Sharia law, including death for those who convert out of the faith.

Monday, December 06, 2010 Radio Show
H2: Chasing Away Christmas
Prager H2: A local branch of Chase Bank in Fort Worth, Texas removes the Christmas tree from its lobby because it might offend someone… Dennis talks to Thomas Kidd, associate professor of history at Baylor University. His new book is God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution… Frank Rich thinks Chris Christie is popular solely because he takes a strong stand on issues, something he doesn’t think the President does.

Monday, December 06, 2010 Radio Show
H3: All Praise Ixchel
Prager H3: The Mayan moon goddess was invoked to bless the proceedings of the Cancun Global Warming Conference… Dennis talks to Zahid Hussain, award-winning journalist and writer, a senior editor with Newsline and a correspondent for The Times of London, Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal. His new book is The Scorpion’s Tail: The Relentless Rise of Islamic Militants in Pakistan-And How It Threatens America… A man marries his dog in Australia.

Man Marries Dog

Alright, so the guy’s a goof, but what about his thirty friends. What’s their excuse?

Moon Goddess Called on to Bless Cancun Global Warming Conference

No doubt you’ve heard of the ancient jaguar goddess Ixchel.

Dennis in New York on Sunday, December 12

Dennis will be speaking at the Jericho Jewish Center on Sunday, December 12 at 430 North Broadway, Jericho, NY. For tickets, email or call (631) 351-8672 and ask for Miss Goodman.

Threat from Islamic Militants in Pakistan

Dennis talks to Zahid Hussain, award-winning journalist and writer, a senior editor with Newsline and a correspondent for The Times of London, Newsweek and The Wall Street Journal. His new book is The Scorpion’s Tail: The Relentless Rise of Islamic Militants in Pakistan-And How It Threatens America

God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution

Dennis talks to Thomas Kidd, associate professor of history at Baylor University. His new book is God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution

The War on Christmas, Part 23

A Chase Bank branch took down their Christmas tree after getting a memo from corporate headquarters.The mantra is “we don’t want to offend anyone.” And its sunk deep into the culture. We have to fight against it. Call Chase and tell them (very nicely) how you feel or email their director of corporate responsibility.

The Advanced Civilization that Would Be Islamic

In the latest polling data of Muslims around the world, most favor death to converts out of the faith. There’s more here. And here is the source poll.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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