What Is President’s Day?

From Dennis Prager:

Monday February 18, 2008
Prager H1: Nobody knows. Is it to honor Washington’s birthday? Lincoln’s? Both? All presidents? Once every school kid knew that Washington’s birthday was February 22 and Lincoln’s was February 12. Now they know neither…  Want to see how the Left thinks? Read this column by one of the country’s leading Republican-haters. Egyptian men are expressing their sexual frustrations by becoming more religiously extreme.

   Length: 00:33:50

Monday February 18, 2008
H2: Why We Whisper With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Dennis talks to Jim DeMint, U.S. Senator from South Carolina. His latest book is Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It’s Wrong. In addition to the book, they discuss the upcoming presidential election and why it’s so important to elect John McCain… The California legislature wants to make put the Al Gore version of global warming on the curriculum, to make it mandatory… Charles Barkley, former basketball star, doesn’t like those judgmental, hypocritical conservative Christians.

   Length: 00:33:43

Monday February 18, 2008
Prager H3: Dennis talks to a listener who sent him an email in which she described the efforts of her son’s middle school to send him and his classmates to hear Angela Davis, noted Leftist radical professor, speak… Nicholas Sarkozy, the President of France, continues to distinguish himself. He spoke positively about religion and was reviled for it by the French Left…He wants French kids to learn about the Holocaust. The Brits want to issue a license to smoke… Philadelphia has no love for the Scouts while their city goes down the drain. 

   Length: 00:33:25

Friday February 15, 2008
Prager H1: This one at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Six innocent students were murdered, others wounded by a former student who burst into a classroom and starting shooting… The Democrats in the House refuse to pass the surveillance bill that has already passed in the Senate… Is Barack Obama message of hope actually depressing?

   Length: 00:33:41

Friday February 15, 2008
Prager H2: Happy people draw happy people to them. When you are chronically unhappy (morose, depressed), you drive people away. One of the major reasons to act happy is to bring happiness into your life.

   Length: 00:34:03

Friday February 15, 2008
H3: Open Lines With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: Per usual, callers set the agenda. Issues raised include: who is worse Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama; how does a liberal change to a conservative; should we vote for a Democrat in November so that people can realize how bad a Left-leaning government would be; how does Dennis define love; how should one respond to a racial joke in a social setting.

   Length: 00:33:38

Young Egyptian men are sexually frustrated. This was the feature story on page one of the NYT on Sunday. The piece describes how young Egyptian men are drifting toward "traditional" Islam because their ambitions are thwarted by a corrupt government and a mummified economy, but it’s really about their inability to get women. This is the latest excuse for becoming a terrorist.

Canadian health care. This is what we are aspiring to?

Obama’s Che flag. Obama is often compared to JFK, so how would JFK reacted to this incident?

The Democrats in the House failed to pass the surveillance bill that easily passed in the Senate. Here’s what the Wall Street Journal thinks of their decision.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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