Online Dating Helping Pathetic Women Get Their Hopes Crushed More Efficiently

From The Onion: "Websites like allow sad, lonely women all over the country to invite pain and rejection into their lives with just a few clicks of the mouse."

It’s a good companion video to the Atlantic’s essay on marriage and settling.

Fred emails:

1. When a woman plans her life, she should take note that with time, her bargaining position diminishes. Young women don’t think in those terms. They cannot comprehend the reality that the social opportunites they enjoy at age 25 will not exist at age 35.

2. I suspect that most women think that they can compensate for lack of youth by some kind of professional accomplishment. A 25 year old cutie can usually ace out a 40 year old female brain surgeon in the mating market place.

3. If a woman thinks she is "settling" at age 35, she probably overestimates her worth in the mating market. Imagine a) I own a house, b) I put it on the market for $900K, c) it stays on the market for a year, and d) I then "settle" for an offer of $800K. In all likelihood, it never was worth $900K. It was worth $800K. That’s what a reasonable buyer was willing to pay. Now consider a 35 year old woman who "settles" for the bald guy with crooked teeth. This woman has been on the market for years with no buyers. In all likelihood, she is "worth" the guy with the bald head and crooked teeth. She probably isn’t "settling" any more than the guy is.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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