Can McCain Win In November?

From Dennis Prager:

Monday February 11, 2008
H1: Obama Sweeps With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: He won Washington, Nebraska, Louisiana, and Maine. He’s got charisma and an armful of promises. That’s a powerful combination… Tom Lantos, longtime Congressman from Northern California passed away this weekend. He was a Holocaust survivor and a liberal Democrat for whom Dennis had a lot of respect… Now some scientists in Canada are worried about global cooling.

   Length: 00:33:40

Monday February 11, 2008
Prager H2: Dennis talks to John Fund, columnist for the Wall Street Journal, on the scenario in which John McCain wins in November. Fund thinks the chances are 50/50 or maybe even a little better.… George Will spoke at CPAC. He told Republicans to grow up and support McCain. He won the nomination fairly… A Chabad rabbi turns around a Bronx school that was given up as hopeless. Educators are shocked by his success.

   Length: 00:33:57

Monday February 11, 2008
Prager H3: Dennis talks to David Horowitz, founder and president of the Horowitz Freedom Foundation, about his efforts to raise awareness about the danger of Muslim extremism…Go here to find out more. Muslims are murdering and mutilating Muslim women. women in Basra, the city the British abandoned… Bret Stephens writes in the Wall Street Journal that the slew of books that talk about the US being in decline are not supported by the facts… Nancy Pelosi continues to advocate surrender in Iraq.

   Length: 00:34:04

Al Qaeda collapses in Iraq. These are their own words.

Traveling sex show debuts at Duke University. More wise use of those tuition dollars. Don’t miss the justification by the Duke VP.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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