Luke Ford Has Lost His Mind!

Bornyo writes on XPT: "He’s giving away his biggest selling book for FREE! Go to When you get the popup asking for your email addy fill it out. You’ll get an email linking to the free pdf file of "XXX-Communicated: A Rebel Without a Shul" Why Luke? Why why why?"

Jim writes: "I’ve been wanting to check this out, but not enough to pay for it."

Bornyo writes: "Ditto. I bought "Lives on the Edge", but I’d never read this one. Maybe he is opposed to collecting royalties derived from porn."

Jim posts: "He could always donate the royalties to charity. On second thought, he is a charity case. Never mind."

Have writes: "Maybe he just wants someone, anyone to read it. I’m sure it was a lot of work to write."

NitneLiun writes Holly: "That was a wonderful mental image until I remembered you were Luke’s main squeeze for a time."

Holly replies: "According to him. Not in my world."

NitneLiun writes: "He may not have been your main squeeze but you were his. We’ve all seen the pics (remember wearing his gray underwear?) and your posts in which you admitted having a fling with him. Don’t make me dig back through the archives to find them."

Holly replies: "Hey I’m not denying anything… it is a time in my life that will haunt me forever! But you know, I don’t regret it. I don’t regret anything I’ve done in my life because it led me to where I am today, and that’s in a good place."

K1ng writes: "Holly, are you saying that your relationship with Luke was the "hitting rock bottom" moment that forced you to address the problems in your life?"

Holly replies: "I don’t want to say that Luke was the defining factor in me hitting rock bottom, but that was the moment in my life that yes, I hit my bottom. As much as it may have seemed that Luke treated me badly on his blog, I wasn’t exactly good to him either — and for that I actually owe him an apology."

Dean writes: "Ironically while being with Luke is considered to be your "rock bottom" his being with you should be considered his crowning achievement."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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