Hillary’s Last Best Hope

New Entry for the 2008 Dictionary: Electile Dysfunction: the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

The last best hope for the Clintons is to hone in on residual racial fears of white women. White women over age 45 vote (especially those past menopause who have nothing to do) and they still feel uneasy about putting a black man in the white house. The only problem is that Obama is hardly black – he is, like Joe Biden said, clean, well spoken – he is Denzel Washington, not Chris Rock. But both Denzel and Chris are black and the fact is that older white women (younger white women are too tolerant) have some subliminal issues with black men, and all Hillary should keep doing is hone in on Obama’s lack of experience, lack of content, and lack of being around the block, meaning – lack of being white.

Clinton may have lost the black vote – Obama took 80% of it in South Carolina, that is unprecedented and he is invulnerable with regard to blacks. Clinton’s strength are women with similarly problematic thighs whose husbands are sex addicts, she must get that vote motivated. The rest, like youth, gays, labor, etc, she can afford to split with Obama – she can close this thing out after super Tuesday if she can take the big states in which there are fewer blacks.

On the Republican side, it is finally dawning that with Iraq off the radar screen and two truly miserable candidates on the other side (Hillary has got to be the most awful person in the world and Obama does not have the experience to moderate traffic in a desert), the republican nominee might win. And the way to win the republican primary is to run to the right. That means that Giuliani is done, he cannot attract the right, and Huckabee who could attract the right, has no money and no following to do so. Romney, a friggin Mormon, might just take it. McCain is too old and too subject to dirty tricks.

Rumor is that Rabbi Dov Fischer www.rabbidov.com at the Irvine Beth Jacob is on the outs and should be gone soon. He is like the Brad Artson of the orthodox world, with his own website.

Larry Yudelson went to school with Dov Fischer. Sometimes they must wonder, where did the love go?

Evan Gahr emails:

You don’t offer any evidence for your assumption that white women can’t countenance the idea of a black men in the White House. The theory sounds plausible but it could be all wrong. A carefully constructed argument can have internal logic but still be entirely  wrong.
That’s why I never was interested in doing any political punditry.  It’s by definition speculative.
Also, the same group of older white women you mention could also be more likely to identify with Hillary because she’s an older woman also.
So it’s not clear if they are voting for Hillary or against Obama or something in between.

Evan, I didn’t offer any evidence because I don’t need to worry about evidence. You belong to the reality-based community. Like President Bush, I am part of the faith-based community. We change reality and thereby the evidence.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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