Kashrut Alert

Dear friends,

I am extending my moral leadership to questions of kashrut.

As you may remember, a question arose a couple of months ago concerning the status of the non-glatt kosher meats being produced by the Rubashkin company. (These are available in our community at Doheny Kosher, at Eilat Market, and at Trader Joe’s.) The supervision of non-glatt meat is actually more complicated than the supervision of glatt meat, (as discerning between acceptable and unacceptable imperfections in the animal is more difficult than simply rejecting all imperfections) and at this time I have some questions as to the status of the supervision. I have been working with the RCC to try to resolve these questions, and hope that the situation will clarify in the near future.

For the time being, and until clarity about the supervision can be attained, I believe that our communities should refrain from using the non-glatt meat. THERE IS NO NEED TO KASHER ANYTHING, OR TO DISPOSE OF MEAT YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE PURCHASED, rather to hold off on purchasing and eating it pending the conclusion of the inquiry.

Joe emails:

Hi Luke,


Before you mention Doheny Kosher as selling questionable meat, you may want to check with them regarding which meat they sell. While they do not have glatt kosher supervision, much (all?) of their meat from Rubashkin’s is glatt.

If you want to investigate kashrut, you should investigate why KAJ removed their supervision at Agriprocessors. (Or is that what you are referring to when you speak of the questionable kashrut status of non-glatt meat from Rubashkin’s?)

Or maybe you would want to look into why the RCC will only certify glatt kosher establishments, or why the OU marks David’s Sunflower seeds OUD.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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