Is There More To A Relationship Than Sex?

A beautiful young virgin I interviewed in 1995 says on my video: "I hate when guys are so into sex and can’t live without it."

RabidDawg responds:

Yeah well, I hate when a women isn’t into sex and can live without it.

Sucks how everything is relative, eh? You want a man to bear your children. We want your body. It’s very simple. Get used to it.

This is not a Torah perspective on love and intimacy.

Kishke writes: "Better question would be if there’s more to sex than sex. Let’s face it, w/o a relationship that matters, it ain’t much."

As this site published a few months ago:

From The Jewish Press:

ARLINGTON, VA—An alarming new study published in Jewish Action reveals that casual sex, the practice of engaging in frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters with new and exciting partners, may only provide unimaginable pleasure and heart-pounding exhilaration for, at most, 25 to 30 years.

"People who choose to participate in random, no-strings-attached lovemaking sessions with sexually adventurous strangers should be advised that this type of behavior is only incredibly liberating for the first quarter-century or so," said Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice-president of the Orthodox Union, who coauthored the study on the long-term side effects of living out one’s wildest fantasies on a semi-weekly basis. "Though sometimes it can be longer."

The study observed 100 sexually active volunteers who were not tied down by dull, passionless relationships and were therefore able to have sex with whomever they wanted, whenever they wanted. A control group of individuals who were married or had otherwise allowed their erogenous zones to fall into complete and utter numbness was also monitored for comparison.

Researchers found that those who regularly achieved mind-blowing orgasms without the expectation of commitment often experienced mild feelings of loneliness and a passing regret after as little as three decades of pure physical bliss free of emotional complication.

"There’s a troubling number of adults who spend their prime sexual years in complete coital abandon, then have nothing to show for it but dozens upon dozens of highly detailed erotic memories," Rabbi Weinreb said. "They must be so empty inside, one would think."

Here’s another cool interview I did on dating. DeadBeatDad responds: "Wow! This woman is SO articulate. I think she puts this better than anyone else I have ever heard. She isn’t just focused on what she wants but truly what it seems most women want in general and the frustrations and feelings both sexes deal with. Wish I could find her now, but she’s probably married with three kids. Great catch!"

Ripley responds to my video on Shalhevet: "First of all mister….we have structured lessons and learn about morals that will help guide us throughout life which in the end is a truly important factor. Secondly, who are you to talk about a school like this??? We can’t get away with whatever we want! The kids love the school because it creates a warm environment to learn in where you feel safe to express your opinions. Shalhevet is the best thing that happened to me and I love my school so who are you to say this???!!! GET A LIFE. I go to Shalhevet and its not chaotic ….it’s actually a very well run school thank you very much!"

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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