Who Can Win?

From Dennis Prager:

Wednesday January 23, 2008
H1: Fallen Star With Dennis Prager
Prager H1: Heath Ledger, Academy Award nominated actor and movie star, died yesterday. Initial reports suggest that drugs were involved. Everybody has demons… Dennis talks to Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of NYC, and candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination… Dennis asks listeners what problems they have with a Giuliani candidacy.

   Length: 00:33:46

Wednesday January 23, 2008
Prager H2: Or are other influences just as great or greater? Genes and societal influence would be two such influences. Callers weigh in.
   Length: 00:34:02

Prager H3: Dennis talks to Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and nationally syndicated columnist. Hanson thinks John McCain has the best chance to beat Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama.… Kids in a Welsh town are committing suicide at an almost epidemic rate. The common link – they were all on the same social networking site… Barack Obama keeps claiming that the incident in Jena, Louisiana last year is an example that racism is still alive and well in the US. But the Jena incident has been completely discredited… Tom Brokaw thinks he knows what people want in this election.

Suicide epidemic in Welsh towns is linked to social networking sites. Sounds like kids think suicide isn’t real. That it’s some sort of game.

According to this NYT article, Rudy is mean. Given the people he was mean to, the piece is unintentional praise.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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