THEY KNEW THEY WERE RIGHT: The Rise of the Neocons by Jacob Heilbrunn

From Dennis Prager:

Tuesday January 22, 2008
Prager H1: Think you paid too much for your house, sue your real estate agent. Why not? It’s your right to buy a house that goes up in value, isn’t it?… Iraqis burn down the house belonging to the family of a suicide bomber. They are getting sick and tired of these attacks… The Oscar nominees were announced this morning. It’s a collection of “art films” with one exception, Juno… Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton went toe to toe last night, debating in South Carolina.

   Length: 00:33:42

Tuesday January 22, 2008
Prager H2: Dennis talks to Jacob Heilbrunn, veteran journalist and editor of the National Interest. His new book is They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons… Dennis returns to last night’s Democratic debate.

   Length: 00:34:23

Tuesday January 22, 2008
Prager H3: Dennis has dubbed our time as The Age of Stupidity. He explains the ideas behind this epoch.

   Length: 00:33:34

Dennis Prager endorses Rudy:

[W]hen it comes to being strong on both domestic and international issues, it seems that no presently viable Republican candidate matches Rudy Giuliani.

…Giuliani is not merely more of a conservative than John McCain. In fact, if it is Ronald Reagan that Republicans want, Giuliani is extraordinarily close to that venerated man. Ronald Reagan stood for two great beliefs: that big government is a big problem for a free society and that America must be militarily strong and lead the war against global communism.

Substitute "global jihadism" for "global communism" and you have Rudy Giuliani’s twin pillars. His one major weakness in appealing to all conservatives is that he is for abortion rights. Let me, then, briefly address all those who, like me, consider nearly all abortions immoral.

Ronald Reagan was pro-life, and it mattered little to the pro-life cause. Concerning abortion, what matters most in a president is the type of judges he appoints to the Supreme Court. As George Will wrote on behalf of Giuliani, "The way to change abortion law is to change courts by means of judicial nominations of the sort Giuliani promises to make." It is extremely unlikely that John McCain would appoint similarly conservative judges. After all, why would he appoint judges like Scalia and Alito who apparently differ with him on the constitutionality of McCain’s own "campaign finance reform" laws?

Pro-life Republicans need to ask themselves: Will a Democrat or Giuliani as president render abortion less common in America? The best is the enemy of the better. And Giuliani is far better on abortion than any Democratic nominee.

Giuliani is for school vouchers, against bilingual education, for reducing taxes further, for reducing government spending. And he has well-thought-out positions on how to achieve these things. He also has the experience of cleaning up the most liberal major city in America.

From Hugh Hewitt:

Friday January 18, 2008
01180802 – Hewitt: Hour 2 – Hugh talks politics with Roll Call’s Morton Kondracke and Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, and then talks economic stimulus and finances with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, and politics with John Campbell.

   Length: 00:34:16

Monday January 21, 2008
Michael Barone With Hugh Hewitt
01210802 Hewitt: Hour 2 – Hugh recaps the story within the story of the South Carolina results with America’s preeminent political analyst, Michael Barone, remembers Martin Luther King by comparing his words with Malcom X’s, and then takes calls from Florida voters on the political circus coming to town.
   Length: 00:34:04

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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