
So I get an email Sunday night about "rabbinic corruption and hypocrisy."

Cool! I think. That’s groovy. The rabbis caught me lying and deceiving. Maybe I’ll catch them doing something wicked and then I won’t feel so bad about myself.

So I surf over to this new site and find Rav Herschel Schacter and Rabbi Avraham Union staring right back at me.

I get a fright. These men are tough. Just looking at their pictures scares me to death. I feel like they see right through me. I feel like they know what a lowdown dirty bastard I am.

There’s no way I can charm them and deceive them.

Be sure my sins will find me out.

In May of 2001, a friend warned me: "Rabbi Union’s going to find out how you make your living."

Boy, did he ever.

Here’s a taste of this new blog:

In the recent case of the "MOSER" relating to the "Spinker"money laundering scandal, I found it pathetic that once again Shachter, from Riets in NYC, and the RCC of California have been quoted as saying that in financial matters "its prohibited to inform the authorities against another jew".What hippocrits they and other rabbis are who allow women to JAIL their husbands or ex-husband in matters relating to finances;be it in divorce proceedings,child support arrears,or a means to extort a GET.There is no basis to have a person jailed in ANY case other than when this person is a danger and menace to society.Such as a rapist,robber,molester,wife beater,child abuser or predator.It is a fact that in many jails today,men are raped or beaten by other scum in the jail,because our system doesnt always put a "nice jew with a nice Goy"!! See this link where rabbi shachter own words prohibit it! http://www.torahweb.org/torah/special/2007/rsch_mesirah.html

I abhor and am disgusted with Rabbis who bend the rules where they see fit to meet their agenda.So no rabbi shachter,no rabbi belski,no rabbi union,no rabbi landesman,no rabbi bryks,no rabbi ralbag, no rabbi kohn, ETC,ETC,ETC… A HETER ARKOOS IS UNCALLED FOR WHEN THE MAN DOESNT POSE A DANGER TO HIS WIFE OR CHILDREN!

heter arkoos is when the rabbis give permission to someone to litigate matters in a secular court. this has been abused since jewish law prohibis using secular courts to decide matters other than criminal in nature.therefore jewish men are jailed for things like child support arrears.but these hippocrits will tell you that in the Spinka case it was prohibited for RK to have been a MOSER!!yet they let women jail their husbands or exhusbands all the time!!!!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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