If I Were A Tree, What Kind Of Tree Would I Be?

Joe emails:

Your Google ads have shifted around–plastic surgery, the seduction stuff—instead, you could have *each* one of those happening on different pages.

If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? Wouldn’t you want to be the kind with many leaves, all arranged to catch as much sunlight as arboreally possible? Think of your web presence that way–each web page you have is like a leaf, which can catch the Googly-goodness (and other stuff). Like leaves, that are arranged to catch the sun at different angles, you need to arrange your stuff so as to catch different facets of users’ interests.

Meaning: niches. Have your main blog be about various things that interest you and your struggle to monetize, etc. — though that stuff could be broken out too — and have niche blogs and link to the stories from the main one.

And/or: at least, maybe put full stories on their own pages, that you can put focussed ads on, as you did with the spammy stuff you did, and have part of it on the front page, with an invitation to click to read the rest.

Since you’re talking about seduction/dating-coaches, the
DailyWebIdeas blog, with the PDF I linked to at the top of this
email, has a review of one:

Note: it’s a *paid* review. You could get yourself some of that perhaps too…paid reviews, that is. As you know, John Chow gets these and gets $400/pop. You’d get less, but still, if you could arrange to get $100 each or whatever and do a few, you’d be doing better: http://www.reviewme.com/

You could do some sample reviews of some high-keyword-y site, like a plastic surgery info site or a dating coach site or whatever and then use those to get some paid reviews.

While it may not quite fit what you’ve been doing till now and may seem like it’s a little too commercial, it beats the heck out of doing that spammy stuff you did earlier this week…also, an interesting idea that I don’t know if anyone’s doing is: audio or video reviews. You have the equipment to do video and you have the accent.

On another TV note. I wonder if you could shoot some quick local restaurant commercials and get to eat free for a while…or do like John Chow does and blog about lunches and get to deduct them as legit expenses or at least get some posts out of them.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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