TMZ reports:

The photo agency that employs Britney’s creepy BFF is denying reports that they are shopping around nude pics of Britney Spears. But we’ve learned they most certainly are. Pants on fire!!

TMZ has confirmed that the semi-nude pics of Brit Brit have been shopped around to various weeklies. One source says a major U.S. weekly was pitched the photos this week, but passed.

Another mag source tells TMZ the photos were pitched to them for five figures, but they passed because "the photos weren’t any good."

Now X17 reports the only takers are an Aussie magazine — and they paid a paltry $57 grand.

Greg Gutfeld says:

Common consensus is that Britney Spears is nearly as sharp as a bag of hammers. I will argue that she is crazy like a fox. Fox as in clever, not attractive. Though run down pop stars might be your thing.

If Britney wants to live a wildly out of control life sans scrutiny despite continual attention… Then why shouldn’t she make sure the paparazzi market is flooded with pictures of her junk? Anything that can be shown now, the world saw a year ago.

Not much has, likely, changed beyond some hygiene and grooming choices.

Nobody cares.

Anything Britney does now, gets little more than a "tsk tsk" from society.

The truth is, nude pictures of her being rejected by magazine publishers is bigger news than the pictures themselves. This would not have been the case even five years ago.

Britney has found freedom most of us could not comprehend.

And by freedom, I mean indifference.

…Like me, many other celebrities have serious and sometimes tragic illnesses, and I feel bad for them. But I hate the other stars who turn lighter illnesses into fetishes, and can’t stop talking about it. You’re already rich and famous – do you really need the public to identify with your restless leg syndrome?

I’m not knocking people when they’re down. But I’m tired of hearing about how Cameron Diaz’s obsessive compulsive disorder means she can only use spotless 100 dollar bills when buying a Fendi bag for her dog. I’m sure David Beckam’s OCD is troubling – but when you’re worth hundreds of millions, you can buy a new toilet for every flush. And as for Paris Hilton saying she has attention deficit disorder – that’s a like a snake pointing out that its an amputee. You can’t remove something that was never there to begin with.

What bugs me more is how "nondiseasey" these diseases are. Remember "chronic fatigue?" It’s been replaced with carpal tunnel. And how many more celebrities are going to tell us how they were "ostracized" due to their undiagnosed dyslexia – which translates into, "I’m blond and stupid – and was the same as a child." Celebrity diseases are right up there with modern art for American mass delusions.Once someone calls BS on them, they’re discarded like old copies of My Big Backyard. Now they’re saying Britney Spears is "bi-polar." Years ago, she would have just been, "selfish." And at some point in the (not too distant) future, she will be, "dead."

So if you’re sick, I’m not asking you to suffer silently – I just don’t need you to go on talk shows and tell me how you cope with your irrititable bowel syndrome. My own bowels are bad enough. So keep it to yourself. Unless of you’re willing to share the drugs.


NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) – A western Pennsylvania man who mailed a bloody cow’s head to his wife’s lover has been sentenced to probation and community service.

Jason Michael Fife "understands that in a civilized society a person cannot send a severed cow’s head to anybody," said his defense lawyer, Henry Hilles.

"My client did step over the line here, but one can certainly understand his frustration, given that the victim was carrying on an affair with my client’s wife," Hilles said.

Authorities in Lower Pottsgrove arrested Fife and charged him with stalking, terroristic threats, disorderly conduct and harassment after he allegedly sent threatening messages and pictures to the victim between May and September 2006.

Greg Gutfeld says: If a man in a civilized society can not mail a bloody cow’s head to the man who is sleeping with his wife? What kind of society do we live in? Have we become so soft?

Anyways, its an alls well that ends well story so long as you do not take the cow into consideration.


About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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