Is Mike Huckabee Good For The Jews?

A Gentile friend of mine who is into New Age thought emails:

I was wondering how the Jewish right-wing radio personalities view Huckabee…he’s the only candidate who says he wants to bring America "back to Jesus," endorses Christian prayer in public school and obnoxiously proclaims Jesus Christ as his "lord and savior," etc.

I think Dennis Prager should discuss this potential problem, if he hasn’t already, along with Michael Savage and Michael Medved….all Jewish guys!

On some "level," they must be feeling uncomfortable with Huckabee, although their right-wing loyalties would undoubably prevent them from speaking harshly against him.

And Huckabee has never reached out for the so-called Jewish vote.

Weird, isn’t it?…..that a guy like Huckabee, a Baptist minister who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, just won the Iowa primary. It’s scary.

I don’t care which candidate "loves Jesus" the most! We already know that Bush "talks to Jesus," but what about the 100,000-plus innocent Iraqis who have died from his war?

Would Jesus just sneer at them and turn away?

The first pundit to take Mike Huckabee seriously was Michael Medved, an Orthodox Jew. Medved’s rooting for John McCain to win the Republican nomination but he thinks Huckabee would be a fine choice. Dennis Prager finds Huckabee too sectarian.

Prager and Medved were on the fourth hour of Hugh Hewitt’s marathon radio show last night. "Nobody was knocked out," says Prager. "If Huckabee did not win, he was out."

"I don’t like identity politics," said Prager. "I don’t like Obama playing up black identity and I don’t like Huckabee playing evangelical identity."

Medved: "He did it on the strength of his performance in those televised debates. How did Huckabee end up in a different position than Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter? Because of his likable humorous winning consistently eloquent performance in the debates."

Here’s Prager Friday morning. He asks: "When has there been unity and goodness?"

Political analyst Arnold Steinberg said that if Romney was not a Mormon, he would’ve won in Iowa.

From Prager’s blog:

David Brooks: Iowa turns out to be big, especially for Obama.

Dennis Prager and the Dog Whisperer on YouTube. Here’s the link.

Alison Armstrong on male-female relationships. Alison is one of Dennis’ favorite guests. Here’s a link to her website. Or watch her on YouTube.

Dick Morris on Iowa. A useful tout sheet.

More record cold. In Florida. And Mexico. Maybe we should be wishing for global warming.

The equation of human and animal life happens right before your eyes. Note that reports that the boys fired rocks at the tiger with sling shots are being denied by the San Franscisco police.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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