The Blogger Who Would Save Italy

What can I learn from this man’s example?

Khunrum emails: "Perhaps you could be the blogger who saves Beverly Hills. Open your window and howl torah! torah! torah! "

Fred emails:

Sir, you need to be the voice of your generation. You need to stand up and write about the malaise, depression and insecurity that Americans today all feel. It’s time to stand up and say "I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore."

Of course, there hasn’t been that much malaise in the U.S. since Carter was booted out of the white house, and even if there were, Americans are not all pissed at the same things.

The left is pissed at Bush, the war, and all things religious, capitalist and moral.

The right is pissed at the irreligious, socialist and immoral.

So we’re not really in the same situation as Italy. There are no unifying "betes noir" as it were.

All this reminds me of one of my favorite picture postcards. There is a picture of a demagogue pounding his fist on a lecturn, shouting, "The time for action has passed! Now is the time for mindless bickering!"

You can always try to fill that role.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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