Dayenu! It Would Have Been Enough If Trump Had Only Crushed Illegal Immigration! (3-11-25),
Reverse immigration through Mexico:
Colin Liddell unimpressed:
Jim Goad close to the end:
All events are ephemeral (study them if you enjoy it, not for evidence that you are superior):
What Should Jews & Catholics Learn From Protestants? (3-9-25),
NYT: ‘‘People Are Going Silent’: Fearing Retribution, Trump Critics Muzzle Themselves’,
Decoding Dennis Prager,
Matt: “Demon-infested millennial religious worldview [and conspiracies] go together. There’s clearly been a descent. Jordan is not alone among our gurus to have this journey. Would he have been like this if he had not become a celebrity?”
Chris: “Jordan Peterson] appears to be a grandiose narcissist. He always saw himself as a revolutionary thinker with big ideas. He sought out a public profile. He wanted to be a commentator. He wanted to establish a religion, buy a church and give sermons. That’s not normal behavior. When you add to that his obsessions and wrestling with his religious devotion or lack of religious belief, that creates a heady stew. The partisan political ecosystem encourages him to give more takes and to have a financially rewarding pundit position. He’s now Alex Jones in a suit.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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