Christian Provacateurs

Aaron Renn writes Nov. 12, 2024:

The left’s bogeyman du jour is Elon Musk, not someone like Pat Robertson.

However, various Christian provocateurs are going to keep saying and doing things intentionally designed to anger secular society. For example, Indiana just elected a pastor and podcaster to be Lieutenant Governor. This guy undoubtedly craves attention, and is already mixing it up with the press on social media. Late in the campaign he stirred controversy by saying Democrats have the “Jezebel spirit.” I’d expect more like that not just from him, but many other people. This will keep ginning up a negative view of Christians in some quarters. There’s not much that can be done about that…

Christians have often tended to favor non-Christian right wing governments as offering them protection. For example, secular dictators in the Middle East have often been perceived as protecting Christian minorities against hostile Islamist factions. The toppling of Saddam Hussein led to the near total destruction of Iraq’s Christian community for example. The Christians of Syria seem to support Bashir al-Assad, who protects them in return for support. Even in the Shia theocracy of Iran, Christianity is flourishing.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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