* It’s kind of funny how rarely the mainstream media mentions that affirmative action touches every aspect of American life. During the 50+ years that I’ve been following the news, that fact only comes up in the press about once a decade when there is a Supreme Court case about college admissions quotas. The rest of the time, it’s kept awfully quiet.
* For the last 55 years, the Establishment had more or less tacitly agreed that the 14th Amendment’s most famous mandate would be quietly suspended for the duration.
The duration of what, however, was never quite specified.
Two generations into the affirmative action emergency, the public seems ready for a change.
The breaking point of popular patience arrived during the Racial Reckoning of this decade as people had their faces rubbed in the openly racist hatred espoused by DEI apparatchiks.
* It almost seems at present as if The Establishment going insane at the end of May 2020 was the cause of their downfall four and a half years later.
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