01:00 NR: Why Did California Cut Fire Prevention Spending While Keeping a Rainy-Day Fund?, https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/why-did-california-cut-fire-prevention-spending-while-keeping-a-rainy-day-fund/
12:15 The FBI is terrible at background checks, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtgtSNMGBt0
14:50 Jonathan Haidt is wrong about morality | Prof Kurt Gray, https://www.aporiamagazine.com/p/jonathan-haidt-is-wrong-about-morality
19:00 Alpha: Eddie Gallagher and the War for the Soul of the Navy SEALs, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=158567
25:00 Jonathan Haidt is wrong about morality | Prof Kurt Gray, https://www.aporiamagazine.com/p/jonathan-haidt-is-wrong-about-morality?utm_source=publication-search
29:00 Best way to survive a fire is to be connected to your neighbors and to have resources (financial, social, emotional, purpose). I volunteer so I have a visceral sense of people depending on me.
30:00 The Anti-Social Century by Derek Thompson, https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2025/02/american-loneliness-personality-politics/681091/
34:00 I was thinking about publishing my love poems
51:00 Japanese TV show Extremely Inappropriate, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/world/asia/japan-extremely-inappropriate.html
1:20:00 I worked for a year in Australia after I graduated high school in June 1984, https://www.lukeford.net/luke_ford/bio/l3.html
1:38:50 Kip joins to talk about short-term memory
1:50:00 The advantages of elite universities
2:18:00 LA Fire Truths and Lies with Hotshot Director, https://www.carousel.blog/p/la-fire-truths-and-lies-with-hotshot
2:30:00 California Burning: The Fall of Pacific Gas and Electric–and What It Means for America’s Power Grid, https://www.amazon.com/California-Burning-Pacific-Electric-Americas/dp/059333065X
2:31:00 California Burning author Katherine Blunt, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOyjOewSPqc
2:48:30 Just as I am
3:01:00 The MICE Method: How the CIA Persuades People to Betray Their Country, https://spyauthor.medium.com/the-mice-method-how-the-cia-persuades-people-to-betray-their-country-0bdb9094103b
3:05:45 Nathan Cofnas talks to Nicholas Wade about group differences, lab leak theory, https://ncofnas.com/p/talking-about-race-differences-with
3:20:00 Lab leak theory
4:07:10 DTG Christmas Quiz 2024 with Helen Lewis, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/dtg-christmas-quiz-2024-with-helen-lewis-badstats
4:24:50 Noah Rothman joins Hugh to talk about California’s Chernobyl, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPKuObXvxKo
4:29:20 Evaluating Pete Hegseth’s senate performance
4:40:00 The Theory of Dyadic Morality: Reinventing Moral Judgment by Redefining Harm, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1088868317698288
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"Luke Ford reports all of the 'juicy' quotes, and has been doing it for years." (Marc B. Shapiro)
"This guy knows all the gossip, the ins and outs, the lashon hara of the Orthodox world. He’s an [expert] in... all the inner workings of the Orthodox world." (Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff)"This generation's Hillel." (Nathan Cofnas)