The Price Of Anti-White Racism

Helen Andrews writes:

Government programs tend to funnel money from white taxpayers to non-white beneficiaries. White students are a tiny fraction of public school enrollment in cities like New York and San Francisco, about 15%, but white parents are disproportionately among the cities’ wealthiest taxpayers. Sixty percent of Medicaid recipients are non-white, as were the majority of people who gained health coverage under Obamacare between 2010 and 2015, “which might help explain the white animus to Obamacare,” Carl writes. “It’s yet another government healthcare program disproportionately paid for by whites and disproportionately benefitting minorities.”

The migration of white families from cities to the suburbs in the second half of the 20th century—the phenomenon known as “white flight”—represented a huge financial cost, Carl observes. “Whites fled inner-city neighborhoods and the homes and businesses they had built there, losing billions of dollars of capital that their ancestors had worked decades and even centuries to accumulate.” Between 1950 and today, the white share of the population has plummeted in cities such as Milwaukee (97% to 33%), Philadelphia (87% to 34%), Chicago (89% to 31%), Boston (95% to 44%), New York (90% to 31%), and Akron (94% to 55%). Behind those numbers are millions of tragic stories of families who fled streets no longer safe to walk down and schools no longer safe for their children to attend. Carl’s own forebears were among them.

In March 2024, the salaries of hundreds of diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucrats at the University of Virginia were revealed by a Freedom of Information Act request. The highest paid made $587,340; the total cost of all DEI staff was $20 million.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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