Elizabeth: The Golden Age

My mom emails:

I went to see the latest Elizabeth yesterday. I thought it good value for $7.50. It had everything in it, except what really happened in history: romance, intrigue, sex, violence (I closed my eyes for both those). Sea battle, menage a trois, a baby. And Walter Raleigh a la Errol Flynn (only he only made out with two women) won the battle against the Spanish Armada by taking a fireship in, then diving several fathoms, with a white horse swimming overhead. Then he got picked up safely in a most violent storm and was quite warm and toasty on the way back. On the shore, Queen Liz had arrived in 5 minutes from London to Dover. She had a complete hair change including complicated plaits. She was Joan of Ark a la Lady of Godiva in Armani.

But all over, I really enjoyed it except from the torture bits.

I had to move all furniture from the windows as the window cleaners came back in. I have curtains to wash, carpets to steam clean and put all back.

Nobody I have talked to to (maybe one) is happy about Labour. A number of the people going into parliament have no government experience, and it seems they are going to go gung-ho on several new fronts. May end up chaos. One lives in hope.

Love, mum

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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