The Secret Service’s Reckless Disregard For Donald Trump’s Safety

The Secret Service operates with reckless disregard for Donald Trump’s safety. Yesterday they allowed a killer to scale to the top of a building just 140 yards away from Donald Trump with a clear shot to the former president, and despite people bringing their attention to the killer for several minutes, they did not protect Trump. The Secret Service sharpshooter had the killer in his sights prior to the attack and he did not take a shot until after the killer had squeezed off eight shots at Trump.

When you look at the public facts as we know them as of Sunday at 5:30 AM PST, it looks like the Secret Service was happy to let Trump to get shot. They only did enough to appear professional.

I don’t believe the Secret Service was in on the assassination attempt. I believe they were so incompetent that they made it look like they were in on the hit.

The Conservative Treehouse writes:

I’m not going to narrate what you can witness with your own eyes and ears. The camera lens is pointed toward two U.S Secret Service protective detail snipers on the roof behind President Trump. One is the spotter. Turn on sound. You can clearly see both USSS spot the shooter, do nothing, wait for the incoming fire, then respond.

We will soon hear, “mistakes were made.”

The FBI is investigating.

TMZ reports: “We’re told he shimmied up, then army crawled to his final position on the roof — all with a rifle in hand, mind you — and then he lined up his shot, despite people clearly noticing him down below and attempting to flag cops or whoever else would listen, we’re told.”

I wonder why the police sniper did not shoot the killer until after the killer had squeezed off eight shots.

Joe Biden called out the shooting as “inappropriate.”

The MSM under-played the story for as long as they could, avoiding the obvious truth that Donald Trump was the victim of an assassination attempt.

I just checked The New Republic website (4:33 am PDT, 7-14-24) and there is no mention of the Donald Trump assassination attempt.

Democrats argue that democracy is on the ballot. That Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy. That if Trump wins, this will be America’s last election. So their primary argument against Trump provided all the justification needed for an assassination attempt on Trump. There is no similar rhetoric by Republicans. No prominent Republican argues that a Joe Biden presidency ends democracy in America. In fact, the primary line of attack on Joe Biden by Republicans is the very opposite — that Joe Biden is senile. There’s nothing in a senility charge against Joe Biden that encourages violence.

When Trump made the case after the 2020 elections that the vote was rigged, he removed all moral constraints for those who believed him. When conservatives argue that abortion is murder, they remove all moral constraints for dealing with people who perform abortions.

Many people don’t like moral constraints, and they embrace any opportunity to drop constraints.

I don’t know much about the shooter, but no man is an island. He operated within a context that allowed him to do what he did. In a different situation, he would not have shot anyone.

Steve Sailer writes:

How soon until we start hearing Frontlash “concerns” from people who have been condemning Donald Trump as an existential threat to Our Democracy about a possible Backlash by Trump supporters?
By the way, are we ever going to have a Conversation about the uselessness of a petite lady Secret Service agent at shielding a 6’3” 250 pound candidate with her body?

I was watching CBS News Saturday night. Anchor Margaret Brennan urged people to stay off social media, where she was getting ripped for criticizing Republicans for not dialing down their rhetoric.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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