Did The ICC Betray The Legacy of Nuremburg? (6-17-24)

01:00 WSJ: The ICC Betrays the Legacy of Nuremberg, https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-icc-betrays-the-legacy-of-nuremberg-c44d850f
02:00 How the Gaza genocide will lead to Israel’s collapse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly7qO9fGYZA
03:00 A Short History of International Humanitarian Law, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155471
09:00 Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917, https://www.amazon.com/Revolutions-International-Law-Legacies-1917/dp/1108495036
24:00 Dooovid joins
24:15 Detroit News: Samantha Woll’s ex-boyfriend: ‘I began to believe that I was responsible for her death’, https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/wayne-county/2024/06/17/prosecution-defense-question-samantha-wolls-friend-on-dating-life/74125818007/
26:10 Samantha Woll’s promiscuity included an affair with a married man
45:00 JPost: David Duke, antisemites, Israel-haters find common cause at failed Detroit rally, https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-806611
56:20 The Nuremberg Trials, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vywGZzb9O4M
58:00 Revolutions in International Law: The Legacies of 1917, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155559
1:01:00 Christian nationalism as niche construction, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155459
1:10:00 Who determines the winning narrative? https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155583
1:30:00 The “Good War”: Preparations for a War against Civilians, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155491
1:36:00 The Genesis of the Civilian, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=155545

Full transcript.

Podnotes AI summary: In today’s Wall Street Journal, an essay by Professor Feldman from Toshiba University discusses the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its role in upholding the legacy of the Nuremberg Trials post-World War II. He suggests that while justice then sought to align with morality, today’s approach may be reversed.

Feldman explores how law should reflect our innate sense of right and wrong, despite moral relativism. He reflects on generational perspectives on Zionism within Israeli society, particularly noting the impact of historical conflicts like the 1973 war which deeply influenced Israel’s national consciousness.

The discussion shifts to contemporary issues facing Israel—economic challenges, political leadership struggles, societal changes—and how these affect both domestic stability and international perceptions. Feldstein critiques those who claim absolute knowledge in areas like human rights or international law as often they are motivated by personal gain or recognition rather than objective truth.

He also questions whether current ICC actions against Israeli leaders for alleged war crimes during Gaza conflicts undermine Nuremberg’s legacy. Feldstein argues that just as Nuremberg was criticized for trying individuals based on ex post facto laws—creating legal standards after-the-fact—the same could be said about some efforts today.

Dooovid joins. A personal narrative emerges concerning a murder trial in Detroit involving Samantha Wall—a synagogue president whose life was cut short under mysterious circumstances. As details unfold through witness testimonies revealing her complex personal relationships, questions arise about prosecutorial decisions and motives behind this tragic case.

A man who dated Samantha Wall had a breakdown, called the police and claimed he might have killed her. His distressing 911 call was played on public TV. He later insisted he didn’t commit the crime, blaming his reaction on medication side effects. Despite having no alibi for the night of Samantha’s death, he now has legal representation.

Samantha’s friend testified against him, revealing intimate details about her relationships, including advice to date a married man to forget an ex-boyfriend. The defense will cross-examine this witness further.

The Detroit Jewish community is unique; it moved from its original location after riots and now resides predominantly in African American neighborhoods. Some members are returning to Detroit proper rather than staying in the suburbs.

Samantha Wall was part of this trend—raised Orthodox but became a liberal feminist choosing city life over traditional suburbia. Her tragic case revealed personal aspects typically kept private due to its nature as a crime story.

In related news, political events stirred controversy with unexpected guest appearances and venue cancellations leading to impromptu speeches outside convention centers and bars being shut down early amidst altercations—a chaotic weekend where even social media personalities made headlines for their actions or statements at these gatherings.

Candace Owens and other speakers at Turning Point USA events have been focusing on transgender issues. Despite not being anti-Semitic, TPUSA is considered one of America’s most dangerous hate groups due to its strong stance against trans rights. Major newspapers like the Detroit Free Press have offered mild criticism towards organizations like AIPAC without labeling them as anti-Semitic, acknowledging their anti-Zionist positions.

The Nuremberg Trials were a historic event where international courts punished war criminals from World War II, setting precedents for human rights and international justice. However, these trials are criticized for their limited focus on victims’ voices and their creation of new legal categories such as crimes against humanity without prior legal basis.

The influence of communist thought during these trials is evident in how economic imperialism was condemned. The Soviets pushed for laws protecting nation sovereignty from capitalist aggression, framing Nazi Germany’s actions as economically motivated imperial conquests.

In recent discussions about Israel’s economy and potential collapse due to internal exploitation resembling colonialism – an idea stemming from Marxist-Leninist theories – critics draw parallels with the Nuremberg narrative that condemns aggressive wars once seen as legitimate in past centuries but now viewed as criminal endeavors leading to human rights abuses.

The persecution of Jews in Germany was not merely an isolated incident but part of a larger plan for imperial war by the Nazis. They believed that removing certain groups would prevent another defeat like in World War I.

At the Nuremberg Trials, establishing the link between these persecutions and aggressive warfare was challenging yet crucial. It marked how crimes against humanity were prosecuted – through intricate legal strategies that framed Nazi plans within a Marxist-Leninist critique of imperialism and capitalism.

This rhetoric echoes today in movements like the electronic Intifada against Israeli policies perceived as colonialist. Just as at Nuremburg where German expansionism faced opposition from nations valuing freedom, modern narratives pit Western and Jewish capitalistic interests against Palestinians seeking liberty.

The trials aimed to highlight economic motives behind wars as much as human suffering – showing how economic empires drive countries towards conflict. Yet there’s criticism that Nuremberg failed to fully represent victims’ voices or deliver enlightened justice due to its underlying communist agenda supported by Western elites.

Current issues mirror this historic narrative; Israel faces economic challenges with many Israelis leaving amid fears of collapse under right-wing governance without foresight or planning – reminiscent of past concerns over imperial ambitions leading to war and exploitation.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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