Decoding The Lab Leak (6-4-24)

01:00 Three anecdotes
07:00 Unlike the fall of 2000, Republican legal elites are lined up behind Trump
13:20 Steve Sailer says this is his best interview,
16:20 Women questioning their sexuality,
18:30 Joe Biden’s border crackdown
29:00 Paul Gottfried talks to Joseph Cotto about the Trump conviction,
31:00 The Atlantic: Pat McAfee and the Threat to Sports Journalism,
33:45 Why are the experts arguing for natural origins of Covid?
1:05:45 Alina Chan on the lab leak,
1:28:00 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss the lab leak
1:46:40 Republicans have lined up behind Trump regarding his felony convictions

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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