His L.A. Thank-You List

John Dickson writes:

* I am thankful to live in a place where our City Council doesn’t squander time on local minutia and instead debates the seminal issues: Iraq, Darfur, global warming and, probably soon, the endangerment of the humphead parrotfish.

* I am thankful this city is so responsive to the plight of the mentally ill that police habitually give them free rides to skid row.

* I am thankful Hal Fishman didn’t live to see a local newscast last week in which the lead story was about "Dancing With the Stars."

* I am thankful I finally found a house I could afford in Los Angeles even if it was parked on the Hollywood Freeway.

* I am thankful we have enough homes for sale in Los Angeles County to last us until about the time we’re ready to colonize Mars.

* I am thankful nearly every newspaper and magazine in Los Angeles covers the downtown residential scene so thoroughly, as I am learning so much about the 11 people who dwell there.

* I am thankful not to be the prostitute toiling for madam Jody "Babydol" Gibson who allegedly serviced Tommy Lasorda, when her co-worker purportedly drew Bruce Willis.

* And this year, as every year, I am most thankful for my health, because after paying the proposed DWP rate hikes, phone tax and the raises for the City Council, I will be unable to afford medical insurance.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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