Chabad Embraces Conspiracy Theorist Barry Chamish

Steven Plaut writes:

…I find it regrettable to see one group of Chabadniks promoting the infantile conspiracy "theories" of UFO "investigator" Barry Chamish. This Chabad web site is devoting space to Chamish and the latter’s talk before a couple dozen people recently at the Maple Street shul in Brooklyn. Chamish’s "theories" are a collection of fantasies, fictions, fabrications, and endless lies.

Chamish sees conspiracies behind everything. His "theory" of the Rabin assassination, namely that Yigal Amir was an innocent "patsy" and that the Israeli intelligence services murdered Rabin, has been totally debunked and disproved, and is denied strongly by Yigal Amir himself. Every single "question" about the Rabin assassination has by now been fully and credibly answered. There was no conspiracy. Yigal Amir is guilty. The assassination was fully and reliably investigated by an Israeli state commission of inquiry led by a retired Supreme Court Chief Justice. Yigal Amir and all members of his own family insist he is guilty. End of story.

Moreover, Chamish himself not only spent most of his "career" claiming to see space aliens running around Israel, but he is deeply and intimately involved with Neo-Nazi and Holocaust Denial organizations and web sites. Chamish is an official columnist for the web site, a Holocaust Denial web site that runs scores of articles about how the Holocaust was a hoax and that no Jews were murdered at Auschwitz. It is hard to find a single sentence written by Chamish that is truthful. Chamish is a frequent speaker before "Jews for Jesus" congregations.

The Jewish Press last year ran a full length expose of the conspiracy nuts in Israel, who do enormous damage by discrediting the Israeli Right, and indirectly help keep the Israeli Left in power. Because some in the Israeli Right have failed to repudiate the nonsense of the conspiracists, the Israeli public tends to dismiss the entire anti-Left as a group of conspiracy flakes and fruitnuts.

And by running conspiracy nonsense Chabad, or at least those who run this web site, is playing into the hands of those who want to represent it as a nutty fringe cult, promoting the "theories" of a UFO-logist.

The Rebbe would be ashamed of them!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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