Overturning Roe V Wade Is Thanks To Trump

A philosopher tells me: “Science tells us that the fetus feels excruciating pan when it is killed in this way. That is enough for me. The restrictions that are being imposed in the states that have them are similar to Europe. We are the outlier. Or were. In any case, this is a question for democracy—people should have input on abortion policy.”

A friend says:

Well, this is pretty one-sided — the feminists have used Roe as a fund-raising gimmick for decades, mostly by being hard line and unwilling to acknowledge that there is an issue. It is just this attitude, shared by the “educated elites” that pisses people off — and that is what this guy says, but from the other side — it is about people who don’t want to be pushed around on race, or anything else. Racial resentment is just a term that means that people don’t like the special treatment of Blacks. By the same elites. Of course these issues are all correlated. But saying it is about race is just plucking one variable out of the mix.

David Leege, emeritus professor of political science at Notre Dame, has an additional explanation for the process linking racial animosity and abortion. In an email, he wrote:
For the target populations — evangelical Protestants — whom Viguerie, Weyrich, and Falwell sought to mobilize, racial animosity and abortion attitudes are related but mainly in an indirect way, through aversion toward intellectual elites. The people perceived to be pushing government’s role in equal opportunity and racial integration were now the same as those pushing permissive abortion laws, namely, the highly educated from New England, banking, universities, the Northern cities, and elsewhere.
In short, Leege wrote, “although the policy domain may differ, the hated people are the same.”

The more interesting thing is the dispute over the effects of abortion. There is a controversial claim that it is the source of the drop in crime, the thinking being that unwanted kids cause crime. And they are Black. And of course there is Margaret Sanger and the racist view that abortion is good because it gets rid of Blacks.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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