From Tabletmag in May of 2016: “That’s because what is good for America is good for Israel and what is bad for America is bad for Israel. The United States is Israel’s greatest benefactor—it is the Jewish state’s guarantor through security aid, and its diplomatic shield in hostile international forums like the United Nations. A world led by an empowered America with a thriving economy and an outward-looking foreign policy is a good world for Israel. By contrast, a world in which the United States has turned inward, sabotaged its own economy through protectionism, and withdrawn from global leadership is a world in which anti-Israel regimes and actors would have free rein to pursue their malicious agenda.”
I understand the argument that massive American aid and support is good for Israel, but is it good for America? Does that matter?
Comment: “Basically a Jewish jounalist [is] saying that [it] is the American Empire that keeps Israel alive and Trump is a threat to the Empire’s well being. It might explain what is happening right now.”