Josh Marshall denounces Twitter for being too pro-free speech due to its leadership being too "non-Jewish." @joshtpm
— Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) October 23, 2016
* it’s almost like those rights of Englishman were somehow more genetic than we thought
* Used to think free speech was an incidental casualty of diversity; now I see it’s deliberate.
* The CEO is a homosexual. Homosexuals only make up about 2% of the population. But leadership is to straight?
* I’m old enough to remember Jews being at the forefront of free speech rights. But maybe that was only for obscenity.
* Oy vey. Where to begin…
* the COO and “next CEO” is not jewish enough? Need to have at least 2 jews on the board.
* These people are really drawing a clear line in the sand lately. They’ll regret it when we cross it.
* there must be jewish supremacy in all news and social media organizations. Goy need their guidance.
* if Israel was less Jewish it would stop it’s atrocities against Palestinians. Israel is too Jewish.