Rigging Elections

Steve Sailer writes:

Ironically, the most far-reaching scheme to rig this and future American elections isn’t being plotted in the Kremlin (as Hillary Clinton and the ruling media warn). Nor is it being hammered out in K Street offices by lobbyists, Democratic operatives, and their press counterparts (as Donald Trump suggests).

Instead, Democrats and their auxiliaries in the media routinely boast of their dream of turning America into a one-party state through changing who gets to vote in American elections.

Strikingly, this vast conspiracy to dilute the sovereignty of American voters by inviting in ringers from abroad is not covered up, nor even excused as aggressive-but-legal political hardball.

Instead, the dilution of the voting power of American citizens is praised lavishly as representing the highest value of “who we are as Americans.”

To protest, or even to notice, the open machinations to adulterate the value of your vote by importing millions of foreigners to increase the numbers of votes cast for the Democrats brands you as a deplorable.

That the Democrats want ever more non-Americans allowed into America so that these immigrants and their descendants can tip American elections toward permanent Democratic rule is something that Democrats are happy to discuss, just so long as Republicans admit that if they aren’t supportive of the Democrats’ scheme, then Republicans deserve their upcoming fate.

The Democrats have enjoyed inviting the more narcissistic and naive GOP politicians, such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Marco Rubio, to join them in promoting the Democrats’ attempts to rig future elections via “comprehensive immigration reform.” As the Democrats point out, the only way Republicans can prove to the onrushing millions of foreigners that Republicans aren’t irredeemable, racist haters on the wrong side of history is by helping the Democrats bring in even more future Democrats…

It took Democrats a while to figure out that their grand strategy ought to be to give up on persuading the American people to elect them and instead for them to elect a new people.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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