The Second Debate

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* LAT / USC daily tracking poll:

. . .

Friday, 10/7: Trump +3.1%

Saturday, 10/8: Trump +2.8%

Sunday, 10/9: Trump +3.1%

* * *

In other words, the Trump-Bush tape revelation, on Friday, barely moved the preference needle, on Saturday, and was a total washout, by Sunday. Early tomorrow morning, we shall see how much the second debate has moved the needle. Clinton had a minute lead on Sunday, 9/11. On Monday, 9/12, after Clinton’s 9/11 collapse at Ground Zero, Trump surged into the lead. Since then, that lead has ranged from a low of 1.8% to an high of 6.7%. Whether this particular poll turns out to be accurate, come 11/8, it is clear that this supposedly mortal wound to Trump’s campaign was much ado about nothing. “Paging Dr. Seinfeld! Paging Dr. Seinfeld!”

* Trump needs to win in order to salvage his reputation. Winners write the history. A Clinton victory assures that Trump’s name is mud, that America was saved from a tyrant who was on the path to becoming a new Hitler. Then there are going to be the weaponized agencies going after Trump and his family. Then the social ostracism where the Trumps become toxic.

Trump needs to win and put his own stamp on history.

* The more I think about it, the more brilliant Trump’s “Because you’d be in jail” line is. It’s pretty much the only thing people will remember from this debate 2-3 days from now.

* Steve Sailer: Tom Wolfe wrote an article about 50 years ago about how everybody in New York City believes they are a Big Leaguer.

Sometimes, even, they are. I remember a taxicab driver in 1984 who got me from Midtown to LaGuardia in 18 minutes because he had timed all the traffic lights and knew the optimal speed was to drive 3rd Avenue at 36.2 mph, so we hit dozens of greenlights in a row. He was a Big League cabdriver!

* I think most military votes would be strongly affected by the email scandal. Higher level govt employees. In short, anyone familiar with history of clearance, importance of clearance, management and leadership. It really rubs people up the wrong way to elect someone to the highest office of the land like that when anyone not politically connected would lose their job or be jailed for the same thing. And she lies about it. It is all kinds of wrong.

* It’s almost amusing to see how insane the media has gone over Trump’s bringing in the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

They seem to be genuinely shocked that Trump might bring up Bill Clinton’s horrible behavior — but how could they possibly be so?

How many shots across the bow did Trump fire beforehand, warning off the Clinton campaign from pushing the sexual angle against him? Did this stop them? Of course not. They really do seem to believe, from Hillary on down, that the usual rules of tit-for-tat simply don’t apply to them. The depth of their belief in this was exposed most obviously in the Machado case, in which it was apparent they didn’t even do the obvious vetting any such figure should require.

There’s a breathtaking arrogance, entitlement, and lack of accountability in their behavior. They seem to have spent so much time sucking on their own exhaust, and isolating themselves from opposed opinion, that they aren’t even capable of entertaining points of view other than their own.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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