Pew: In 2016, Latinos View Republicans More Favorably Than in 2012

Steve Sailer writes: “Do you ever get the impression that the media don’t really understand Hispanics?”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* One of the important things about the WikiLeaks revelations is to see the media in such obvious collusion with the Clinton campaign.

You’ve got to wonder how much this might be rattling Hillary’s media supporters exactly when further collusion is so important.

Do they really want to be caught out in their collaboration? How can they be sure that their email now isn’t being hacked?


* Calling a large slice of the populace “irredeemable” is really dangerous stuff. It implies they are unworthy of respect or consideration; essentially outlaws who are undeserving of even basic rights.

This is right up there with her repeatedly tweeting (often before the body is cold) about how “cops need to stop killing black men” every time a black male is shot by the cops, regardless of circumstances. The implicit message is “the white man has no laws a negro need respect.”

So she is really promoting insurrection on two fronts. It’s horrifically irresponsible but unsurprising. What’s sad is that almost no one is pointing this fact out despite its lack of any ambiguity to me. A vote for Hillary is virtually guaranteed civil war and war with Russia.

* I did not fail to take note of this moment in the debate as it was transpiring. The immediate thought that crossed my mind was, “Hey Hill, you got a problem with Trump, you got a problem with me!”

Hillary will never, ever, ever win back one single soul from the basket of deplorables. We love Trump and identify with him. Sorry, but that toothpaste is out of the tube.

* The wifi services at UC Berkeley, a public university, have already begun blocking websites hosting alt-right viewpoints, including and

* Both Hillary and the entire media elite are doing a very poor job hiding their seething hatred for the white working class. Should Hillary win the election, I don’t think any of them will even see a need to try to hide it. Why have any sympathy with irredeemable racists? How can any good in this world come from treating them well, when they are enemies of all that’s right? Their economic distress and alienation isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. And if they are irrelevant to elections, why pretend anymore to think otherwise?

Under Clinton, the US is going to be run like an HR department whose only concern will be that those who aren’t white heterosexual males get control of the choice and powerful positions, and to see to it that those white heterosexual males are compelled to take the diversity training necessary to make them celebrate being passed over.

* I live in California, a single party state, which is America’s future. I am inclined to suspect the country will be soon be effectively a single party state after the death of the GOPe, and the demographic changes that will finish making Republicans a permanent minority. Most the US will come to resemble Mexico politically, where the PRI ruled the country with no viable opposition for over four decades. The political process will operate in the form of struggles amongst interest groups inside the Democratic Party to divvy up the dwindling loot for their own constituents.
As the economy continues its slow death spiral we will probably see a future second party that will be eventually challenging the Democrats in the form of an explicitly socialist, populist party dedicated to battling the global interests that rule the Democrats today.
However I suspect the rise of a second party able to challenge the monopoly party may not take forty years as it did in Mexico. Although today it doesn’t look like it would be easy to peel the coalition of the fringes away from the Democrats, the economy may go down the tubes more quickly than the globalists think, and the massive immigration from the Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Islamic countries are de-stabilizing influences occurring at an unprecedented rate. Things could get whacko more quickly than I used to think they would. Once the debt gets big enough, and the system won’t be able to generate enough wealth to pay everyone off, the house of cards comes down.

* There seems to be a significant contingent of the AR that is going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the realization that having a popular blog or being a pithy commenter isn’t going to keep the boot off their neck.

Look at some of the fools here saying “Kobach 2020: Better Luck This Time!”

There isn’t a 2020. This is it.

* If Hill-Hill wins we are all going to be publicly outed and we will have to live like Scott Adams. The guy basically threw away millions and his future to support Trump.

* So, we now know the Trump tape was leaked by Dan Senor and his wife, NBC’s Campbell Brown.

What’s amazing about this whole thing is Ryan was in on it. And purposely said he would start campaigning with Trump days before this tape was leaked so he could then publicly say he will “no longer” campaign with Trump after Trump’s outrageous comments 11 years ago. The depth of perfidy is astounding. The GOP has no life beyond Trump.

* One has to consider that Ryan/Romney Republicans are content to be the Washington Generals for the Democrat “Globetrotters.” It would explain of lot of these R’s behavior.

* The [media] are making a fatal mistake this election by suppressing news unfavorable to their candidate — which includes all the WikiLeaks’ revelations.

The public is, in fact, going to hear about this news one way or another. Who will be presenting that genuine news? Only alternative news sources. Where will the public turn, then, to get the details? To those sources.

The traditional media will likely suffer a significant decline in readership and influence, and alternative media a significant boost.

As it should be.

* Brazile leaked primary debate questions to Hillary. Wonder if this happened in the presidential debates.

* The Hillary hate meme is already resonating, with the irredeemable deplorables statement doing a great deal to pull her down.

This additional statement from Podesta reinforces and expands upon the deplorables statement, showing how deep her hatred of everyday Americans goes.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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