Clinton’s Latest Campaign Surrogate is a: Murder Accomplice, Hard Core Porn Star and Drug Lord Concubine…

Conservative Treehouse: This has to be the worst campaign vetting in the history of failed campaign vetting… Or the most horrible exploitation, Clintonian level exploitation, of a very troubled woman…. You decide.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign narrative is now centered around, and vested in, using a former Miss Venezuela, Alicia Machado, as an attack surrogate against Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign goal is to paint Donald Trump as anti-woman, and fat-shaming, because the Miss Universe pageant owner told Machado she needed to lose the 50+ lbs she gained after winning the 1996 beauty pageant title.


Yeah, it does sound silly. Hillary Clinton is trying to hit Donald Trump for being critical/judgmental of beauty,… in a beauty pageant,… which he owned,… and was therefore the stakeholder in the brand image of the beauty pageant Machado won.

Huh? Yeah, but if that wasn’t silly enough, hold on. It gets really bizarre.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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