Ann Coulter’s IN TRUMP WE TRUST Explains Trump’s Appeal

Washington Watcher writes:

Ann Coulter America’s foremost polemicist, is most recently in the news for (1) unflinchingly enduring unbridled Leftist abuse at a Comedy Central “roast” for someone called Rob Lowe that, if it were anyone else, would have been called misogynistic [‘Roast’ Writers: Ann Coulter Hurt Our Feelings! By David Cole, Takimag, September 15, 2016]; (2) a long interview on POLITICO [transcript] that among other things cited this great quote from David Frum about her book Adios America!: “Perhaps no single writer has had such immediate impact on a presidential election since Harriet Beecher Stowe. ” [Ann Coulter, doyenne of the deplorables, by Glenn Thrush, September 13, 2016].

But, just two minutes ago, the Big Story was that Ann Coulter’s brilliant new book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!had been stepped on by her favored candidate. In the book, Coulter says “there’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies.” But as the book was released, Trump appeared to be open to doing just that—saying he might “soften” his position on immigration and let some illegals stay if they paid “back taxes”. [Donald Trump, Wavering on Immigration, Finds Anger in All Corners, by Maggie Haberman & Michael Shear, New York Times, August 25, 2016]

Coulter quipped: “this could be the shortest book tour ever if he’s really softening his position on immigration.”

In fact, however, reportedly in part because of Coulter’s warnings, Trump doubled down on his patriotic immigration reform agenda with his fantastic immigration policy speech on August 31.

This sequence of events further validates In Trump We Trust’s two primary arguments: that patriotic immigration reform fueled Trump’s rise; and that the GOP is doomed if it does not become a “New Trumpian Party” centered around this policy.

For good measure, Coulter peppers her polemic with accurate and hilarious barbs at the Main Stream Media and the consultant class who have failed to both understand and defeat Trump.

…Coulter, of course, predicted Trump’s victory three days after his announcement.

But as with Cassandra, the MSM and the political Establishment still continue to mock her despite her being proven right time and time again.

They will make another great appendix to Ann Coulter’s next bestselling book.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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