The Clintons As A Case Study

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Clintons are going to be a topic of study long into the future. They are an interesting tag-team. Bill is an over-sexed playboy, while she is a frigid lesbian. Bill’s scandals are always about chasing tail, while her scandals are all about chasing cash. This e-mail scandal is just good old fashioned city hall style shake downs. Instead of handing out city contracts, they were selling access to State.

The other wonderful set of contrasts is that Bill is a natural campaigner, while she is brutally bad. Even if you hated Bill, he could charm you in person. Hillary is probably the least charming public figure since Nixon.

Bill attracted top talent as his campaign staff, while Hillary attracts ham and eggers that never seem to understand what’s happening. People forget that the reason Clinton lost in 2008 is her people failed to understand the rule changes for allotting delegates. By the time they figured it out, Obama had a big lead. This time they are running a campaign that would have been great in 2008, but not in 2016.

* The internet has lessened the ability of the left to do hit-and-run smears through the MSM which had become their favorite weapon. A perfect recent example of this was yesterday where black pastor in Flint attempted to become offended by the Donald so then to moralize and lecture him with the obvious implication that is was due to racism. The MSM was in on it and sprung into action making that the lead piece of the night on MSNBC, CNN, etc. By the time I got home to my TV, I had already read several articles about it and how the ‘pastor’ had used Facebook to organize the take down and how she was buddies with Obama (pic included). On screen you have a breathless Lawrence O’Donnell shaking his head and acting all indignant and offended. I guess he does not have the internet.

* Pepe is a symbol of the coolness/hipness of the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right makes memes that are edgy and funny. Richard Spencer and Milo are both young dudes whose antics and memes come across as youthful and fresh, not old and stodgy. Roosh is young. Matt Forney is youner. Gavin McInnes is the oldest of the bunch, and he looks baby-faced.

The jokes and memes they tell are line-crossing, but in a scampish, young, did-I-do-that way, not an old man racist way. It’s Bob Hope in the 1940s versus Bob Hope in the 1980s.

As Steve said, the Alt-Right is like Punk Rock. But it’s important to note that the Alt-Right is like Punk Rock when Punk Rock was new, fresh, young, and cool–the late 70s/early 80s.

* Pepe: the Frog Who Refused to be Boiled.

* When respectable magazines and powerful politicians are putting effort into fighting disorganized young Twitter pranksters armed with nothing but cartoons and sarcasm, it brings to mind the Filibusters of early 19th century- American civilians who bought their own personal armies with private money and fomented revolutions in Spain’s Latin American Empire. Most of them were eventually crushed, but the fact that they were able to get started in the first place was an ominous sign for the once-mighty Spanish Empire. If you can provoke the establishment armed with just a cartoon frog and a dead gorilla, how can they expect to fare against competent opposition?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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