Orthodox Judaism Will Be The Last Stand Of Implicit White Identity II

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Even most of the excellent non ghetto public schools in California are majority Nonwhite, Asian to be exact. Your White kids will not get beat up for being White in these schools, but they might feel racially isolated and not make any friends because most Asians in California only like to hang out with other Asians. Asian bubbles are a huge problem in California because it indicates a lack of assimilation into the American mainstream. Asians in California are tribal cliquish on steroids.

Good luck making any friends if you are a White person who lives in The San Gabriel Valley, Cupertino, Milpitas, or Daly City for example.

* Tell me again how heroic the “Greatest Generation” was?

They inherited an entire continent and they lost it. They had the moral and physical power to stand up to open borders and mass 3rd world immigration, but they were cowed into silence.

All in exchange for a pat on the head about how they had “saved freedom” by giving Stalin half of Europe.

On their watch, the country went from 90% White to less than half White in the under five category.

* This demographic change in America’s K-12 population is bad news for Blacks who believe their Black kids can only get a good education if they attend Magic Dirt schools with a large White student body.

Remember the Left always say Blacks on average academically underperform because they attend extremely Black racially segregated schools. Blacks need to rub the heads of White students for academic good luck. Blacks can’t learn if all of their classmates racially look like them.

* The contrast in commercial activity between low income Hispanic & black areas is pretty jarring, yet seldomly commented upon. I’ve noticed this in the DC area.

Hispanic areas are full of an array of restaurants, stores and other services. Whereas the black areas have some fast food joints, liquor stores & storefront churches.

The black areas there are security bars everywhere. Few buildings without them not so much in the Hispanic areas.

* I’ve noticed the lack of any activity in Black neighborhoods as well. I live very close to one and often take the bus through there, and have looked for apartments in Black neighborhoods (the one I live next to is supposed to be the new hot thing on the real estate market, but there is no visible sign of that). And I have noticed that Latino neighborhoods do have commercial activity.

Its a fair and interesting question as to why this is the case. Of course, there are two other types of neighborhoods with no commercial activity, both typically white with high -often very high- real estate values. The first are certain residential suburban neighborhoods where commercial activity is illegal due to restrictive covenants or zoning. The second are hyper-gentrified urban neighborhoods where all the apartments are owned by foreign investors who are using them as places to park their money and don’t live there, so all the stores and restaurants die. The latter type are not common, but there are several examples in Manhattan where I used to live.

Since I like seeing commercial activity when I walk around, I’ve learned to avoid very low income Black neighborhoods* and very high income White neighborhoods. But I’m obviously more familiar with the reasons for the lack of businesses in the high income places.

* yeah, street crime, but interestingly enough the only times I have been mugged have been in the deserted high income places.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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