John Rivers: ‘Jews, like Whites, are old. Their fertility is low. They are being replaced by younger, more fertile ethnic groups in America.’

Chaim Amalek writes: This is an interesting problem in math and demographics that I would tackle if I had access to the right data. Yes, it is true that the world of old Jews, Hollywood Jews, Secular diversity-embracing Jews etc. population is falling – fast. HOWEVER, over in Brooklyn, the population of Hasidic and other ultraorthodox Jews is exploding. Already, the children of orthodox Jews make up a majority of all Jewish children in New York City (under 5? Under 18? I wish I had the figures). Assuming that they grow into breeders like their parents – and given how they are being socialized, heavily insulated from Western culture, this seems likely – then at some point soon the lines cross, and the majority of Jews in this country becomes orthodox with explosive population growth. In the long run then, it is not that Jews are disappearing from America, so much as secular jews are disappearing, to be replaced by much less well educated, and much poorer Torah Jews unable to staff the Federal Reserve or run Hollywood. White goyim on the other hand, have no subgroup with such explosive fecundity to save them from their self-imposed demographic ruin. Dumb goys!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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