Facebook Complies With 95% of Israel’s Demands on ‘Incitement’

Good to know. There’s nothing I hate more than incitement.

Forward: Facebook, Google and YouTube are complying with up to 95 percent of Israeli requests to delete content that the government says incites Palestinian violence, Israel’s Justice Minister said on Monday.

Perhaps spurred by the minister’s threat to legislate to make companies open to prosecution if they host images or messages that encourage terrorism, their rate of voluntary compliance has soared from 50 percent in a year, she said.

“Our main aim is for those companies to do their own monitoring of material containing incitement,” Ayelet Shaked said after a meeting with Facebook officials.

“Just as ISIS (Islamic State) video clips are being monitored and removed from the network, we want them to take the same action against Palestinian material that incites terrorism,” she told the International Conference on Counter-terrorism near Tel Aviv.

“The world now understands that (social) networks serve as a greenhouse for terrorists,” Shaked said in her speech.

Facebook declined to confirm Shaked’s assertion that it complied with 95 percent of Israel’s requests, but a spokeswoman said it constantly takes down offensive material and responds to requests from many countries, organizations and individuals.

“We came to listen and see if can be do better. We have zero tolerance for terrorism,” she said, adding that Facebook’s standards “make it clear there is no place for terrorists or content that promotes terrorism on Facebook.”

Both Shaked and Facebook said they would prefer companies voluntarily remove inciting content than be prosecuted.

A spokesman for Google, parent company of YouTube, which Shaked said complied with 80 percent of requests, declined to comment.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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