Trump Seems To Think Along The Lines Of Steve Sailer’s Citizenism

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I note in this Trump is getting probed hard by O’Reilly about white support and not taking the bait. Trump is citizenist, though citizenism is a step closer to white nationalism than the current system where white people must wear sackcloth and ashes for being white. That is why he is called a racist.

However, we are awakening. Maybe other identity politics is on the wane. But white identity politics will only strengthen over time. The “racist” epithet has lost currency. And we will need to fight harder to retain what we have.

* The alt-right is not a rejection of identity politics and an attempt to resuscitate the dead and dying 20th century style liberal-capitalist state. Rather it looks to pre-modern political forms (see alt-right proponents of an imperium) and early 20th century fascism and authoritarian nationalism, which were quashed in the West by the liberal-capitalist order. Furthermore, it’s not even a rejection of globalism per se. Aspects of the alt-right see themselves as a global movement, with global aspirations beyond “petty nationalism”.

* One of the things about our age that will puzzle future historians is how in the heck our priestly class came up with the idea that they could recklessly inflame and divide the public through identity politics while simultaneously keeping a tight lid on white identity politics — particularly white male identity politics.

Like the causes of the First World War, the chain of blunders leading to the inevitable crisis may seem reasonably clear (if misguided) to those who lived through them, but their posterity will find it all very baffling. How were so many people willfully blind to the larger picture?

Once again, we learn that hope is not a strategy, bleeding wounds are not healed by poetry, the tides do not bow before the magistrate’s solemnly sealed decree, and armies on the march are not halted by eloquent rhetoric.

* The only way to end the identity politics game is for Whites to pick up a racket and starting returning balls across the net. The only reason the non-straight, non-White, non-male, non-native, non-Gentile look so formidable is that we straight White men have been enormous good sports for generations. Thankfully that seems to be ending.

They want to play identity politics? Game on.

* The Brown family still holds the governorship of California in 2016, and office they first acquired in the 1950s.

* White identity politics is the result of the constant campaign by the multicultural Left to dispossess and demonize whites. The invariable white reaction is seen as proof of white evil; the Left will merely double down.

It’s like poking a caged dog with a stick and enraging it; then when it bites, having it put down for viciousness.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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