Mass Incarceration as Respect for Women’s Independence

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The negative effects of third-world immigration on American and European women’s rights and freedoms, including the right to walk up the street without being constantly harassed, is something that is rarely mentioned in the debate about immigration but women need to start waking up about this very real threat to their rights.

Women also need to understand that in the political correctness pecking order, third-world male immigrants take priority over women and therefore in any case where there is a conflict between what the male immigrants want and what is best for women, the male immigrants will win, with the full support of the government and the media. This, I believe, can already be seen in the UK, Germany and Sweden.

* Criminals tend to commit lots of crimes. If they are put in prison, the crime rate goes down. Liberals sometimes stumble onto the arrow of causality when they say things like “why are we incarcerating so many people when the crime rate is low”.

* I was drinking one night and fell asleep with my arm draped over the back of my chair. When I awoke it was completely numb and I called my doctor the next morning as it still was numb. Since it was my left arm he insisted I go to the emergency room. I went and the ER doctor said I had ‘Saturday Night Palsy’, so named because men used to get it on Saturday nights at movie theaters from draping their arm around their dates. The arm will stay numb for several days too!

* I am not an advocate for adopting Islam.

But that’s the thing about the book: the converts still drink alcohol, and instead of representational art they have Islamic calligraphy and photos of deep space on the walls of the same beautiful Parisian mansions. Women all lose their jobs overnight, but ‘unemployment’ disappears and men are paid much more, only now with the option of several wives, including wives much younger than presently approved of in the West. They very quickly adjust to wearing a version of Islamic dress in the street. It all happens rather easily but with small changes, disappearing kosher sections in the grocery, a crescent on the University entrance but the same security guard. Some background violence most people aren’t involved with. It’s horrifying but you can absolutely see it happening.

‘Submission’ is phenomenal. It will stay with you for weeks.

* Mr. Houellebecq is a prophet.

Soumission is genius that he merely uses Islam as a foil to show how degenerate and ripe for collapse the west is. In that book the Muslim candidate for President is actually portrayed quite positively…. the spineless secular French, not so much.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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