Laurie Luhn, alleged ‘whore’ for Fox pervert Roger Ailes, doesn’t seem so innocent in this scheme

Linda Stasi writes: Laurie Luhn, the latest woman to accuse ex-Fox boss/perennial pervert Roger Ailes of sexual harassment, is now saying she only became the disgusting old pervert’s “whore” because she thought it would advance her career.

And it did. She went from his cash whore to his on-the-books madam. And now she’s so upset — after 20 years and a $3 million settlement — that she had to tell all: to New York magazine reporter Gabriel Sherman.

Meantime, during those 20 years Luhn accepted more no-show jobs than Dean Skelos’ son. In fact, at one point she was making $250,000 a year as a Fox events planner without events. Well, that’s not quite true, since she actually planned some events. Like? Like trysts with Ailes and then, after he got tired of her, trysts for Ailes.

She indicates it started out innocently enough with her simply wanting a job in media.

Seriously? If a disgusting creep dangles a job, and then asks you to show up at a hotel in a garter belt, chances are good he’ll be dangling more than just a job.

In this case, she says he dangled what one of his victims described as his “raw hamburger meat.” OK, that’s enough to wreck the sex lives of every adult in America right there.

Did she think part of the job description as media adviser was exotic dancer? Who wouldn’t confuse the two?

When the dancing was done, “Ailes told her to get down on her knees in front of him,” she said, and put his hands on her temples … ‘Tell me you will do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. … Do you understand? You will follow orders.’”

Did she run out screaming into the night into the nearest precinct to report him? No, instead she continued in an arrangement that paid her well.

Ailes told her she was his whore. And she was. After he got her to involve other women in S&M sex, he’d leave a grand on the dresser.

When he put her on the Fox News payroll, he allowed her to hire staff — good-looking only.


About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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