Donald Trump Jr. Retweets the ‘Neo-Nazi Movement’s Favorite Academic’ Kevin MacDonald

Comments at the

* 1. Forward prefers an ad hominem against someone supporting an anti-Clinton allegation to investigating the tweet for its content and the content Kelly’s interview with Wohl.
2. It’s twitter, most people there retweet others without doing a full background check and cavity search that Mr. Feldman engaged in.
3. If Forward’s standard for disqualifying someone from presidency is their child’s retweet of someone even the child is likely not to know everything perfectly, why doesn’t Forward do the same to Hillary Clinton? Surely, her association with the Blumenthals is much more intimate than Trump’s son’s retweet.
(BTW, I do not know for whom I will vote if for either of the candidates at all. I am not sold on Trump, so that path of responses to me is pointless.)

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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