Cathy Young: The Unbearable Dumbness of Being Alt-Right

Cathy Young writes:

An even more salient point, however, is that Western culture is essentially a mongrel culture. To sing plaudits to Western culture while singing the virtues of unmolested ethnic homogeneity is a bit like holding a charity dinner for the promotion of vegetarianism at the Ruth Chris Steakhouse. In a macro sense, Western culture as we know it is the product of the cross-breeding of Christianity, a religion imported from a certain Middle Eastern nation — or, as the alt-right would put it, (((Christianity))) — with Graeco-Roman civilization. By the way, Christianity explicitly proclaims the triumph of universalism over ethnic tribalism, or does Vox’s copy of the Bible somehow miss Galatians 3:28? (That would be the “neither Jew nor Greek” part.)


* (((Cathy))) just can’t keep herself from spewing out hatred of for white people. So she openly attacks those white people that might be leary of the AltRight by calling their glorious culture that invented the automobile, the airplane and put a man on the moon as mongrel, thus calling them mongrels.

It’s a form of persuasion Cathy thinks she can get away with because she believes white people to be so thoroughly demoralized at this point from decades of a never ending stream of white guilt. She believes the stockholm Syndrome is so deep and so intact that when an Ashkenazi jew who is herself at minimum 50% European genetics tells a European they’re a mongrel there should be nothing but obedient acceptance.

She then goes onto tell you that the US was always some sort of multicultural nation despite the founders telling you the exact opposite. Or plays a game of sophistry by arguing that a nation that was only 90% white isn’t in any way different than a nation that will be less than 50% white. Brazil and South Africa however beg to differ.
Finally the jew whose holiest of books mocks the Virgin Mary and says Jesus is boiling in hot excrement and commands that the New Testament be destroyed, delivers her hardest and most stinging scourge by audaciously lecturing Christians on Christianity.

So there you have it white people. Any effort to maintain your heritage, culture and even genetics will be embraced. Accept it or be called a Nazi and a white supremacist. Never remember or consider that it was your white ancestors who in strong cohesive community that absolutely centered around being white bulit this nation for you. Never ever make the realization that at some point even if you do accept it you will be called a Nazi and a white supremacist until your erasure is complete. Look forward with optimism at the future you’ll leave your children while Israel works toward becoming a 100% pure ethnostate.

* Vox Day (VD) has made a good attempt at defining the alt-Right but the thought process has a way to go. He would really benefit by reading Alain de Benoist and understanding the French way of distinguishing between universalism and particularism. Christianity is a universalist religion and so some of those modes of thinking remain in VD’s thoughts. For example the implied universalism of Western Civilization (WC). A particularist would have said WC is the most superior organizational principle for white people, but not necessarily for others.

The alt-Right is basically a form of White Zionism where particularist ethnocentric interests mean appeals to universals are limited. But VD’s problem is he is hanging on to universalist Christianity while de Benoist leans more towards particularist paganism. The Jews managed to resolve their similar internal contradiction by having one God who has universalized Jewish particularism by naming them the Chosen People, which is obviously just a call for Jewish Supremacy. Whites must do the same if they want to hang on to Christianity by developing a White-as-the-Chosen-People narrative. Jews will obviously not be happy about getting competition for the Chosen People catagory!

VD, like myself, is both American and European. But in Europe justifying their alt-Right (Identitaires) is very easy — white people are the indigenous people of Europe and should control their land. This makes European Identitaires the allies of the ANC, Sitting Bull, the Tibetan Resistance, and all national liberation movements. But this attitude throws under the bus alt-Right people in America, Israel (which is basically the first alt-Right state), Australia, and especially South Africa. But the American alt-Right is not indigenous to the US and so must appeal to the right of conquest. Muslims currently conquering Europe by means of the cradle and the refugee raft are in a sense allies of the American alt-Right, since if Europeans are as stupid as the Native Americans were 400 years ago then white Europeans deserve to lose their nations to the Muslim hordes.

As for the mongrel culture comment, this does not bother me at all since it is obviously true especially if we consider white people as separate races. But just for laughs, can you cite a culture that is NOT mongrel?

* Just one question: Why does Cathy Young oppose a secure existence for white people and a future for white children? Would appreciate a reply. Thanks.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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