Would Trump’s Defeat Be Blamed On Jews?

Comments at Unz.com:

* There’s quite a lot of dumb stuff in MacDonald’s writing as usual.

His prediction that the old GOP establishment will fall from power if Trump loses makes no sense. Paul Ryan will continue to be Speaker and senate Republicans will continue to be elitists with a few exceptions and sometimes not for the few months before primary season. The Kochs will continue to run the shadow party, bigger and more important than the RNC by an order of magnitude, since they spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on it.

>Would Trump’s Defeat Be Blamed On Jews?

I can say with 100% certainty that MacDonald will blame it on the Jews. But few others care, and the American right’s extreme philosemitism seems to only grow each year.

What MacDonald never stops to contemplate is how much the antics of the small anti-Semitic minority of US white nationalists stains the rest of the movement and hurts its ability to take over the GOP (not just win a presidential primary with plurality wins in multi-candidate fields).

* Honestly, all the right wing Jews (minus neocons) I’ve spoken with have been heads above the average gentile conservative. Their analysis is more precise, their predictions more realistic, and their tactics more pragmatic and workable. Few, if any, are prone to the ridiculous conspiracy theories and fearmongering you see among Republicans, and even parts of the alt-right.

Instead of flipping out over Jews all the time, the white right should embrace them as strategists and promote them as beacons of intellectualism.

* The Jews are working earnestly to ensure Trump’s defeat. Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro, Mark Zuckerberg, Charles Krauthammer, Mortimer Zuckerman, and hundreds of others in the media are furiously against him. This explains the ridiculous Trump/David Duke meme. Duke hasn’t been a “somebody” since he ran for the Louisiana legislature in the 1990s and was disowned by the Republican Party. Half the country wasn’t even born then. Yet the Jewish media keeps trying to associate Trump with Duke. Zuckerman’s New York Post even tried to allege that Trump’s long-dead father was a member of the Klan in the 1920s… of course there was no proof whatsoever.

* I have a completely different take on the structure of modern Jewish/Euro interaction.

The most recent research with respect to the Ashkenazi genome suggests that “Jews” are 60% European. So called” Jews” then would be more accurately regarded as Europeans with Jewish admixture. They are our cousins, albeit one’s who wear strange little hats and practice bizarre rites such as cutting off the ends of their baby boy’s peepees.

Northwestern Europeans are makers; they build things. Because of the feedback loop involving making, using, evaluating and reformulating plans for the next iteration, NWEuros perfected many practical sciences. These eventually evolved into the theoretical sciences which gave NWEuros dominance over the world.

The Ashkenazis’s high intelligence is of a different kind. Their’s was selected for in an environment in which they were propertyless. It is largely theoretical. They are not known as builders. They are clearly brilliant theorists. Words and numbers are their thing.

The two types are not inherently incompatible. However, there is a strain in Ashkenazi thinking to regard the practical intelligence of Euros as inferior. There is, in Judaism, a deep contempt for “making stuff” that goes back to the proto-Semitic prohibition against graven images and worshipping the golden calf.

But Euroman derives his very sense of selfhood from the things he makes. He is Homo Habilis, handy man. In making stuff, the Euroman transforms the world from its raw state, indifferent or alien to him, into a familiar world that is for him. This relieves his existential anxiety. In doing so he posits himself, projects himself into the world. His creations are his best self concretized. They are who he is put into tangible form.

His creations are his legacy. They reflect his presence in the world. He builds them to last. They are monuments to who he was. He builds for his children and grandchildren. Maybe even for a thousand years.

But the Ashkenazi will have none of that. He sees all that as eventual ash and dust. What is Real is Mental. What is real is what can be carried away when ones’s people are the victims of a recurrent persecution and must flee for their lives, preserving only what they can carry in their Minds.

And so, as Prof. MacDonald has noted, they set themselves up as Critique[rs] of Culture. They see their role as being designated debunkers of the junk thinking of the culture in which they live.

Here’s a quote from Michael Ledeen,

“Creative destruction is our middle name both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture and cinema to politics and the law.

Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.”

Note that his definition of what their role is has basically made and enemy (his term) out of everybody. Everyone who is the inheritor of a culture that includes science, literature, art, architecture et al–and those are the very essence of culture–must suffer to watch their civilization reduced to rubble by these whirlwinds of energy which bring death and destruction to their lifestyle.

So is it surprising that the diverse peoples of the world have rallied and furiously lashed back at the menacing (his word) Jews?

I believe that Jews prosper when they act harmoniously with their European cousins. When they become arrogant like the Neocons and Neolibs and begin to believe that they don’t need to be part of a Euro culture, that they are above it and can kick it away, then they make the mistake of thinking that the head can survive without the body.

And this, in code, is what Freud was trying to tell his fellow Jews. Their hysterical neuroticism, their paranoia of persecution is proportionate to their rejection of the body, the concrete world of things, personified in their Euro cousins and concretized in the Euro cultural creations. Inasmuch as Ashkenazis are 60% Euro genes, then, disdain for the thing world of Euro culture is analogous to cutting themselves off from their bodies. In destroying Euro cultural artifacts the Jew is literally tearing himself asunder. He is split off from himself, alienated from his biological roots, he lives in a state of panic. He does not recognize that when he wrecks the Euro world he flogs himself.

Ashkenazis need Euros to survive. When Jews begin to believe that they can do without Euros, they become hubristic and their hubris leads them to excesses which call forth the inevitable backlash which results in their being hurled down, cast out and driven forth.

Nothing better expresses this alienation than the modern economist’s definition of “value”. Krugman subscribes to this notion. Value, we are told, is just what someone is willing to pay for something.

To an Euro this definition is wide off the mark. Euro man still believes in the labor theory of value. A thing has intrinsic worth. They know this because they made the thing. They put care and intelligence into it so that the thing will last and be of use to his children. A good bridge is safe, lasts well, beautiful etc. It is useful, not a net drain.

But to the Jewish economist, the notion that an object has inherent worth is ridiculous. It is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. It has extrinsic worth.

Do you see how alienated this is? A thing, one of your possessions, is to be regarded only in light of what it is worth to someone else. It’s aptness is irrelevant.

This is the mentality of a deeply alienated person. Alienation drags fear and paranoia in its wake. Fear and paranoia lead the Jew to further hostility against the Euro world which turns into resentment. Resentment leads the Jews to destroy that of which they are not the author. That “creative destruction” (Ledeen’s words) evokes a protective instinct in Euros. Euros retaliate in defense of the inherent good of their culture–and it is inherent–because it is rooted in the very nature of things, in the Natural Law of Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics.

And so the wheel turns.

* I cannot blame Jews for being neurotic to the point of distraction over anything that even superficially resembles nationalism. But the country can’t cater to the neuroses of a tiny minority. We can’t accept a million Syrian refugees just so that some Jews will stop having nightmares about the S.S. St. Louis.

* Wow, I’m impressed that VDare is based enough to publish Prof KMac (or as the $PLC call him, Obergruppenmufti Haman-Himmler von Birkenau).

He’s right though. Trump is a billionaire New Yorker with Jewish family. There’s no way he can plausibly be accused of antisemitism. But these media liars have to hang their hatred, and fear of losing control of policy direction through PC Thought Policing, on something.

Trump is anti corporate-globalist-shill. Therefore the corporate globalist shills are trying their level best to attack him. They will fail. Trump Will Triumph.

* All of what you say is true–Trump has no high-profile Jewish media supporters outside of Drudge and Breitbart, and many guys like Shapiro and Goldberg who were formerly Republicans have switched sides to oppose him.

That said, there’s plenty of blame to go around, a lot of which can be directed at Trump himself. The guy has made a lot of campaign mistakes even without the headwinds from the media. He’s not a professional pol, and it shows. The Khizr Khan thing was a trap by the Democrats, and he walked right into it. I hate PC too, but it’s one thing to talk about radical Islam being a threat and another to make dick jokes during a presidential debate.

The GOP establishment also has a lot of donors, many of whom are gentiles, who don’t want to support him because (a) his commitment to free markets (and thus more money for them) is weak and (b) cutting immigration deprives them of cheap labor.

Don’t get me wrong–I support him as the last chance to limit immigration and even if he fails, he’s shifted the Overton window on the right on this issue permanently. The man has done his nation a great service and I will be voting for him.

* “He’s right though. Trump is a billionaire New Yorker with Jewish family. There’s no way he can plausibly be accused of antisemitism.”

Ironically, it’s his chutzpah that the Jews can’t stand.

Jews want to own chutzpah for themselves.
Jews fear that Trump and his minions will do with chutzpah what Christians did with Yahweh.
Christian Jehovah emboldened Europeans with moral sanctimony and righteousness. Christians used the Jewish God against the Jews.
Trump’s chutzpah is brazen, and Jews fear it as a template that encourages whites to go off the reservation.

* A so-called Canadian political scientist by the name Salim Mansur has long been advocating a ban on Muslim immigration into Canada. See his presentations on YouTube. He is a darling of the neo-conservatives in Canada and the US including Daniel Pipes. Mansur’s is a complete and permanent ban, while Donald Trump’s is a temporary halt. In addition, both Mansur and his neo-conservative friends are ardent supporters of Israel’s wall and its Jews-only immigration policy. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

* The alt-right believes white people are superior due to their cultural and civilizational achievements, well, Jews have done a lot of that, right? All the Nobel prizes and stuff? Israel going from zero to regional power in a few decades?

The backstory is that Jews have always been on the cultural left in the Western world since the Enlightenment, and before that were always for the anticlerical party because, well, less institutionalized religion is better if you’re a religious minority. In recent years there was strong support of the Civil Rights movement and then of political correctness, and lately opposition to Trump.

How much of this is action and how much is reaction is hard to say (and depends on your sympathies), and is always something of a chicken-and-egg question–Jewish fear of white nationalism is a result of Nazi ideology on the far right, which is a response to the strong affinity Jews had for Communism and integration during the cold war, which is a result of the fact that Communists were one of the few dependably antifascist forces in the WW2 era and Hitler was obsessed with killing Jews even to the point of damaging his own war effort…and he was reacting against the heavy Jewish presence in the Communist movement in Germany, which itself was a reaction against antisemitism among the old conservative forces in Germany…it bounces back and forth and probably goes back to the Middle Ages (and I know I missed a step or three in there).

* the problem is jews always feel existentially threatened so always seek influence in adopted nations and with talent and hard work end up like they are now 2% of the population with 50% of the power which they use against the founders of the nation they adopted. In the end it doesnt matter that they did it because they were worried it will be dealt with as it always is. Its like they have this death wish all they had to do was be the most american of americans just don’t repeat what you did 50 years earlier in germany but noooo they moved over hear and immediately set up the frankfurt school riled up the blacks and arranged the 64 immigration invasion and orchestrated the entire leftist campaign. I honestly hope to god they come to their senses and repent soon.
otherwise this end really badly for them once again, whites will either wake up and fight off the bio terror brown invasion and realize it was the jews behind it yet again, or the stupid jews will continue to win and the us will fill with more blacks arabs chinese and hispanics who all hate them unlike whites and Israel will lose its protector.

* Did you see the real-time ABC internet poll asking “Who Will You Vote For?” a few days ago?

Was up for about 24 hours. In that time they had a whopping 170,000 votes. The site gave real-time totals.

Trump was getting a whopping 71% against a pathetic 9% for Hillary when the site was taken down, and these percentages went virtually unchanged for hours before.

Say what you want, but polls like this, which allow one-vote per IP address, are difficult to fake. They’ve been around for years. You could watch the totals change when the site was refreshed. On any given computer only one vote was allowed. Furthermore, the site had no way of knowing whether the respondents were Democrat, GOP, black, white, whatever and there’s no particular reason to think that Trump voters were more likely to respond than Killary fans.

Furthermore, 170,000 is an ENORMOUS sample size compared to the typical Reuters propaganda-poll of 2,000 or less.

* You Jews are screw ups.

Every task you are assigned, you screw up.

Given control of the nation’s investment banks you promptly engineer the greatest financial disaster in American history. (And this from the guys who had assured us that they were the smartest guys in the room. If these were the smartest, what’s the second team look like?)

Given control of the news media, you reduce it to blatantly, biased propaganda, worthless as a source of true information and impotent to fulfill its function as balance-restoring critic speaking truth to power.

Given control of music, movies and television, you churn out nothing but trash and reality-distorting, agenda-driven lies pandering to what is worst and most loathsome in human nature.

You have destroyed the greatest economy the world has ever known with your misguided economic theories. While this has made some of you immensely wealthy, it will rebound against you. Wrecking the lives of Americans will and has turned them against you. They will rise up.

Unfortunately, those Jews who were most responsible for looting our nation will make good their escape with their gold and diamonds, leaving America awash in worthless paper greenbacks. And leaving their less-favored, hapless Jewish compatriots behind as well, to face the wrath and suffer the consequences for policies over which they had no more control than the rank and file white American does over the doings of the Elites who purport to represent him.

And then, after the hammer has fallen, these self-same reptilian Jewish elite will have the audacity to weep and moan for those whom they deserted whilst casting all the blame on the poor whites who were disenfranchised and destroyed by those Jewish elites for having vented their wrath on the nearest substitute.

This is the cycle of history. It can only be broken if you, the Jewish Elite, step down now. Admit that you are bumbling fools whose policies backfire and go awry. Accept your inadequacies. Know that in your strength lies your weakness. Your intelligence carries within it a fatal flaw which blinds you to your inadequacies.

“Know thyself”.

Learn from us. We of the West have wellsprings of wisdom besides which your Abrahamic Law is childish superstition. Know that you cannot, on your own, create and sustain a great civilization.

Read the Greeks. Our civilization is far wiser than yours. Give up your pretensions. Accept your lower station humbly. We are willing to reach out and give you a hand up. Take it. Raise yourself from the tyranny of your ignorance. Let us rule. Accept the subordinate role that is your lot. Only thus can you save yourselves from yourselves.

* “What MacDonald never stops to contemplate is how much the antics of the small anti-Semitic minority of US white nationalists stains the rest of the movement and hurts its ability to take over the GOP (not just win a presidential primary with plurality wins in multi-candidate fields).”

And yet similar considerations – about the malign influence of many wealthy, influential, and powerful Jews who act in ways that are hostile to the white, gentile majority of this country – never seem to be entertained by most Jews. Why is that? If Kevin MacDonald should feel concerned about how some random internet commenter (with no real power or influence at all) reflects upon him, why shouldn’t a Jew (Democrat or Republican) feel concerned about how Paul Singer or George Soros – billionaires with real power and influence – reflects upon him?

* It all boils down to is Trump good or bad for Jews and Israel? Given the level of spitting, hissing and bile emanating from prominent Jews in the media and elsewhere in the establishment I think we have our answer at least from their worthless perspective. Just like when I was listening to Breitbart radio the other morning and a caller identifying himself as Jewish shrieked that we are importing anti-semitism and therefore must ban Muslim immigration because of the danger it poses not to all Americans and Western civilization, but to Jews.

Jewish selfishness and self centeredness was on display.

* Instead of flipping out over Jews all the time, the white right should embrace them as strategists and promote them as beacons of intellectualism.

The white right would probably do exactly this, IF American Jews would support the same policies here for white Americans as Jews do for their kin in Israel. For instance, Israel has built an enormous border wall. Israel has extremely strict immigration policies that favor Jews over everyone else. Israel does not allow the marriage of Jews to non-Jews, and outlaws gay marriage as well. Israel promotes Judaism over every other religion. Israel has a strong, professional military, universal conscription, and a lot of guns in civilian hands to deter terrorism. In other words when it comes to Israel, Jews are extremely nationalistic.

Yet outside of Israel, where Jews are a minority, they are everywhere engaged in left-wing rabble-rousing. Outside of Israel, Jews tend to favor communism, socialism, open borders, removing Christianity from the public sphere, gun control, miscegenation, race-mixing, homosexuality, abortion, etc.

I used to admire Israel very much, until I discovered that Jews have an extreme double-standard. What is good for Israel and good for the Jews is always 180 degrees opposite of how they tell everyone else to act. There’s always an exception for the Chosen People. “Do as I say, not as I do” ought to be chiseled onto the Wailing Wall as the motto of the Jew.

* I don’t think the anti-semitic right is the least concern to the safety and prosperity of Jews. We are completely ensconced into the institutions and families of America’s (and England’s) elites and upper-middle class in a way that is both popular and permanent. Outside of those groups, I can’t really see evangelical Christian philo-semitism ever changing.

I am far more concerned about mass Muslim and African migration degrading the USA into a combination Brazil of Algeria. The anti-semitic right’s main threat to us is that it hurts people like Trump, Le Pen, and Farange who are working to stop these problems. The best strategy in my view is over-the-top pro-Israel policies and rhetoric of the sort we see especially from Geert Wilders and Trump himself. The stronger the alt-right supports for Israel, the more local Jewish support and the more Israel’s admirable policies like natalism and border walls are legitimated in both popular and elite minds.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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